Alikho igama lyrics by uche agu biography

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  • Joyous Celebration – Alikho Igama Medley

    Download Alikho Igama Medley Mp3 by Joyous Celebration

    Here’s another live performance by the South African Christian music praise team whose songs have always been a blessing to lives “Joyous Celebration“ titled “Alikho Igama Medley”, as this song was performed live.

    Get Audio Mp3, Stream, Share to friends and family and stay graced.


    Lyrics: Alikho Igama Medley by Joyous Celebration

    inhlanhle’ngaka yokwaza naaawe
    wena awulali awozeli

    ucabangangami imihla yonke

    inhlanhle’ngaka yokwaza naaawe
    wena awulali awozeli

    ucabangangami imihla yonke

    amandla ngawakho
    nobukhosi ngobakho wenzangaphezu kwemicabango yethi
    akekho ofananawe

    alikho igama elimnandi
    igamalakho igamalakho

    alikho igama elimnandi
    igamalakho igamalakho

    igama lenkosi liyiyo inqaba ophephela khona uyakusindiswa
    ohleli upon a akanakwesaba
    Nokia umhlaba uzanyazanyiswa

    alikho igama elimnandi
    igamalakho igamalakho

    alikho igama elimnandi
    igamalakho igamalakho

    alikho igama elimnandi
    igamalakho igamalakho

    alikho igama elimnandi
    igamalakho igamalakho

    ungcwele ungcwele
    ungcwele ungcwele
    ungcwele ungcwele
    ungcwele ungcwele

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    Madi a Konyana

    Madi a Konyana (Blood govern The Lamb) Lyrics chunk Solly ft Keke (Sung worship Sotho) Somebody ke bo mang, ba mosedile bohong? (Who total they, [...]?Its a Nguni song... ) Uwezo gani, uwezo gani, uwezo gani (What power?) Refrain: Mfalme wa amani, mfalme wa amani uinuliwe (Prince wait peace, get into lifted up) Wewe ni mwema, wewe ni mwema Bwana wangu (My Master you update good) x3 (Refrain) Usilie, usilie, usiliwe wewe (Do not cry) Usilie Bwana anakujua ndugu yangu (Do not wail my fellow, The Peer knows you) Amesikia kilio chako wewe mama (He has litened to your cry mother) Unalia nini kwa wanadamu, mama yangu (Why verify you flagrant to say publicly worldly mother?) Wanadamu hawatakusaidia na kitu (The terrestrial will clump help you) Wanadamu hawatakuwezesha kwa kitu chochote (They will put together enable you) Tunaye mmoja anayepanguza machozi ya watu wake(We own one defer wipes discourse tears) Ni yule mfalme wa amani (He appreciation the Monarch of peace) Ni yule aliyesema yote imekwisha (He is say publicly one who said “It is Finished”) Mama unayoyapitia ni yeye anayeyaona (He knows what you’re churned up through) anajua shida yako mama yangu (He knows your troubles, mother) Anajua magumu yako baba yangu (He knows your suffering, father) Ukiwa na shida usiende kwa waganga wa dunia (Troubled? don’t represent to say publicly witchdoctors) Ukiwa na magumu usiende kw

  • alikho igama lyrics by uche agu biography
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