Biography essay title for the outsiders
"The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton
1. Background of the Novel
The novel "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton is based in and set in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It is an amazing novel of teenage yarns and actions packed with all the dramatic validity of the growing up process. The novel tells the tale of 2 rival teenage groups who go by the names of the "Greasers" and the "Socs". These groups demonstrate the demographic of maturing in the lower middle class and in the upper class of the United States. Adolescents of the high social status frequently have a totally different attitude compared to the groups of the less fortunate. Hinton drew an intense emotional feeling that you could glimpse the nature of the group and at times she would hint that the act was just a process of humanity for the group. "The Outsiders" is a novel of many theoretical studies. The novel shows information of how stereotypes and believed circumstances can influence the conduct of groups. An additional theoretical study is the changing of a person's inner self, in "The Outsiders" it was Johnny Cade, a young member of the greasers. He was a doubtful and fragile youth who had been living in the continual terror of his parents and at the social margin of his group. This drove Johnny to conceal his fears and extende
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The Outsiders “Psychology is the endlessly fascinating science of the human mind and behavior” (Gillespie 1). Psychological criticism is used to enhance the knowledge of literature by analyzing the behaviors and motives of dynamic characters throughout several theories. Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is one...
The Outsiders
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Conflicts in The Outsiders by S.e. Hinton
1 page / 610 words
Throughout the novel “The Outsiders” author S.E. Hinton gives many examples of how conflict doesn’t solve problems. Her novel is one of engagement, entertainment, but also give