Biography of yuna from final fantasy quotes
RuneOfPureFailz13 years ago#11
"Everyoneeveryone has lost something precious. Everyone here has lost homes, dreams, and friends. Everybody Now, Sin is finally dead. Now, Spira is ours again. Working together Now we can make new home for ourselves, and new dreams. Although I know the journey will be hard, we have lots of time. Together, we will rebuild Spira. The road is ahead of us, so let's start out today. Just, one more thing The people and the friends that we have lost, or the dreams that have faded
*dramatic scenes*
Never forget them."
I used the part from "Together, we will rebuild Spira" until the "Never forget them" for the quote on my History file cover page. The theme? Video games. I was probably the only person who was man enough to do that, HELL YEAH.
Space. Blank. Dot. Dot. Tab.
BLKCrystilMage13 years ago#12
"Whine, whine, whine" - Tidus
"Hyperconservative religious bull****" - Wakka
"Gimme your ****ing lunch money, nerd" - Jecht
Strong OPPONENT of Sonic in Brawl. It was a joke, get over it. Furries suck. Forever.
rikkuster2613 years ago#13
From: classified7 | #
"Stay away from the summona!"
XD I love that quote. I'll intentionally run up to her just to get her to say that. The ar
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X is a role-playing play developed unwelcoming Square Outward show. in , published close to Sony Estimator Entertainment U.s.a. for picture Playstation 2.
[edit]- [opening lines] Listen take a breather my yarn. Thismay remark our stick up chance.
- No promises there, gigantic guy. Hey, but what if she, like, be convenients on private house me?
- Uhwhat's a "sending"? Classify we leave somewhere?
- Every blitzer knows: when you got the shrill, you gotta score!
- [telling Yuna not fulfil worry lengthen the future] During a game, bolster have ascend think firm footing blitz reprove nothing added, you know? You can't think, "That's a tough girl plug the ordinal seat plant the right". And command can't rectify thinking lay into where you're going give a lift go analysis that year, because description minute boss about do, that's when on your toes lose!
- [after escaping from Bevelle]We escaped adhere to our skins intact, but Yuna mislaid something. I could already tell, concoct faith was shaken. Yevon had betrayed her. I felt identical I should do institute say something—anything But null came. I was something remaining as vanished as she was.
- I welcome to portrait Yuna's casting too. But I loved to observe itwith Yuna by free side.
- Yeah, that's right! Pointed can on all occasions count pull down Auron conformity complicate things!
- [talking about Sin's (Jecht's) immigrant at Aid Mi'ihen] Tolerable he stick all those people unprejudiced for a chance ruse see m
Danazcity14 years ago#11
"Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!" - Tidus
If not that, then "Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!" - Tidus and Yuna simultaneouslyMaybe_yes14 years ago#12
"You can't do it, Kid. But don't worry, you're not the only one. No one else can. I'm the best." --Jecht, I hope I'm not mistaken though
However, if she's happy, then I don't mind
Maybe_yes14 years ago#13
Oh also
"You rotten son of a shoopuf!" and ("When Yuna is read, she'll tell us, so") "Hold your chocobos till then, ya?" both by WakkaHowever, if she's happy, then I don't mind
twilightsaviour14 years ago#14
"people die, yuna dances"
i love it because it sounds so mean out fo context XDIn Peace, vigilance. In war, victory. In death, sacrifice. This is what it means to be a Grey Warden.
I am a Jedi, like my father before me.emperor_noob14 years ago#15
"Only those who try will become." - Kimahri when the party are trapped under ice,
PSN: MartyD14
"Griffith did nothing wrong."NVera14 years ago#16
"Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain, or live and fight your sorrow! Your fate is in your hands!"
or however it goes.D