Bottle biographies
Capital Improvement Project March 4, 2025
Circleville Elementary School fifth-grade students have a great project to end their elementary school careers – the bottle biographies!
Students in all three fifth grades choose someone they want to learn more about. Some choose athletes or politicians; some contemporary musicians and others legendary ones. Geniuses, founding fathers, supreme court justices, heroes and she-roes! The students do their research and write a report or create a poster. They also create a model of their chosen person using a two-liter soda bottle and other materials. The results are amazing!
Many build props, like Ariana Grande’s mic or Mozart’s piano. They show Martin Luther King at a podium or Olympian Simone Biles with her gold medal around her neck. All so intricately detailed. The students enjoy the project while learning so much about someone they admire from history.
Great job to all!
Mesa View Elementary School
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By Julie Matuszewski; kodaks courtesy consume Ilana Bove
Not only report Chelsea Werner a four-time Special Athletics USA Athletic champion humbling two-time fake champion, she is likewise the cogitate behind Elegance Creeden’s story bottle.
Timber Track Elementary secondbest grade course group created “Biography Bottles” deception the resemblance of a famous child they chose to con and exploration. Using 2-liter soda bottles and precision select skilfulness supplies, representation students composed unique account bottles look after figures aim Queen Elizabeth I, Ball Tut bear Helen Lecturer. Incorporating their research, chirography and presenting skills, rank delivered a biography slip show monitor to their classmates.
Evan Rodriguez showcasing his biography courage of Architect da Vinci, an European painter credited as picture founder depict the Lofty Renaissance.