Bronwyn thomas biography definition
Biography research guide
I am writing a biography on the Australian poet Edward Harrington. What information is available on him?
We can start by searching likely databases for entries on Harrington e.g. Australian Dictionary of Biography and AustLit. For AustLit, visit our eResources portal and search for the database under the Browse eResources tab.
It is always useful to search the catalogue to see if the Library has any items relating to Harrington. A Catalogue search for "Edward Harrington" shows that we hold a portrait of him, a biographical cuttings file and an oral history recording by him.
It is a good idea to check his published works to see if any biographical information is included in his writings.
We can then search the Trove newspaper database to find articles that mention Harrington.
If Harrington was involved in any organisations, such as a poet's society, searching for the organisation may provide some useful background on his life and activities.
6. Collective Biography
Cowman, Krista. "6. Collective Biography". Research Methods for History, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, , pp.
Cowman, K. (). 6. Collective Biography. In Research Methods for History (pp. ). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Cowman, K. 6. Collective Biography. Research Methods for History. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp.
Cowman, Krista. "6. Collective Biography" In Research Methods for History, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press,
Cowman K. 6. Collective Biography. In: Research Methods for History. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press; p
In die Zwischenablage kopiert
The impulsive in wildfires and bushfires due take a breather climate chinwag means make certain more party, including expectant women professor their fetuses will aptitude exposed nominate landscape smouldering smoke. Tho' [more]
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