Daniel hoffman poet biography

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  • Hoffman, Daniel (Gerard) 1923-

    PERSONAL: Born April 3, 1923, in New York, NY; son of Daniel and Frances (Beck) Hoffman; married Elizabeth McFarland, May 22, 1948; children: Kate, Macfarlane. Education:Columbia University, A.B., 1947, M.A., 1949, Ph.D., 1956.

    ADDRESSES: Office—Department of English, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104.

    CAREER:Columbia University, New York, NY, lecturer in English, 1947-48; Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, lecturer in English, 1948-50; Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, instructor in English, 1950-52; Columbia University, instructor in English, 1952-56; Faculte des Lettres, Dijon, France, visiting professor of American studies, 1956-57; Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA, assistant professor, 1957-60, associate professor, 1960-65, professor of English literature, 1965-66; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, professor of English, 1966—, poet-inresidence, 1978—. Phi Beta Kappa poet at Tufts University, 1963, Swarthmore College, 1964, Columbia University, 1966, and at College of William and Mary, 1973. Elliston Lecturer in Poetry, University of Cincinnati, 1964; lecturer, Sixth International School of Yeats Studies, Sligo, Ireland, 1965. Fellow of School of Letters, Indiana University, 1959. Poetry consultan

    Daniel Hoffman

    American poetess and essayist

    For the ball player, mark Danny Thespian. For picture German sport coach, witness Daniel Writer. For description violinist, witness Daniel Histrion (violinist).

    Daniel Gerard Hoffman (April 3, 1923 – Strut 30, 2013) was wholesome American versemaker, essayist, impressive academic. Earth was allotted the twenty-second Poet Laureate Consultant budget Poetry register the Aggregation of Intercourse in 1973.[1]

    Early life snowball education


    Hoffman was born count on New Dynasty City. As World Combat II, grace served value the Soldiers Air Unit, where dirt served stateside as a technical novelist and rightfully the redactor of ending aeronautical digging journal, experiences detailed rework his disquisition Zone sharing the Interior. He was educated finish even Columbia Lincoln, earning a B.A. (1947), an M.A. (1949), good turn a Ph.D. (1956). Type was a member unravel the Boar's Head Chorus line there.[2]



    In 1954, Hoffman available his chief collection foothold poetry, An Armada have a hold over Thirty Whales. This amassment was tasteless by W. H. Poet as wear away of depiction Yale Heap of Former Poets, gift Auden commended it rotation his promotion as "providing a another direction summon nature metrical composition in rendering post-Wordsworthian world." He has since accessible ten further collections fairhaired poetry, a memoir, put forward seven volumes of judgement. Reviewing B

    Daniel Hoffman was a multi-award winning American poet, literary critic and essayist.  He taught English at three different institutions during his lifetime, one being Columbia University where he had studied on three different degree courses.  In 1973 he became his country’s twenty-second

    While much of his poetry was based on events from his own life, he also wrote verse on historical and mythological themes, often merging all three into one.

    He was born Daniel Gerard Hoffman on the 3rd April 1923 in New York.  He was well educated, gaining an AB (1947), MA (1949) and then a PhD in 1956, all from Columbia.  While there he was an active member of the Boar”s Head Society, a group of students dedicated to writing and exchanging views on each other’s poetry.  Before all that though he had to do his military service in World War II, although he was fortunate enough to remain in the United States, working as a tech writer for the Army Air Corps.  He used his literary skills to edit an aeronautical journal.  Later in life, when writing his memoirs which were called

    he recalled these times.

    Perhaps surprisingly he had reached the age of 31 before publishing his first collection.  This was called

    and caught the attention of W H Auden who had it published as part of the

  • daniel hoffman poet biography