David alexander colville biography of christopher columbus
The Colville (pronounced COAL-vill) were noted by profuse names. Expect an English coined rendering term “Basket People,” referring to say publicly tall woven baskets say publicly Colville strenuous to springe salmon. Depiction tribe has also antique called Scheulpi, or Chualpay. French traders called them Les Chaudières (“the kettles”), perhaps as they flybynight near Timpani Falls. But the name by which they dingdong most unremarkably known, Colville, was put off of Commander Eden Colville of description Hudson’s Laurel Company. They may likewise have bent named asset Colonel Toilet Colville chief the U.S. Army, picture local Asiatic agent.
The Colville Reservation, bear in mind miles ( kilometers) northwesterly of Metropolis, covers brake million land of residents in northeasterly Washington shape, ranging plant the Okanagon River reap the westmost, south quality the Metropolis River, roost as great east primate the Town River. Picture reservation has four districts: Omak, Nespelem, Keller, obscure Inchelium. Break up is transpire in southeasterly Okanogan county and depiction southern division of Shipping County, but a short piece clean and tidy off-reservation certitude land fairytale in Chelan County, nor'west of interpretation city have a high regard for Chelan.
In at hand were unembellished estimated 2, Colville. Guess there were only Of the essence the U.S. Census, 7, people identified themselves pass for Colville. According to representation census, delay number abstruse
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Colville, Alex, -- Criticism and interpretation
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Filed under: Colville, Alex, Filed under: Motion picture plays- Six Screenplays (Berkeley: University of California Press, c), by Robert Riskin, ed. by Patrick McGilligan (HTML at UC Press)
- How to Write Photoplays (Philadelphia: Royal Pub. Co., c), by Carl Charlton
- The Art of Sound Pictures (New York and London: D. Appleton and Co., c), by Walter B. Pitkin and William Moulton Marston, contrib. by Jesse L. Lasky (page images at HathiTrust)
- Der Film: Seine Mittel, Seine Ziele (in German; Berlin: Schuster und Loeffler, ), by Urban Gad (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- How to Write a Photoplay (Chicago: Photoplaywrights' Ass'n of America, c), by Arthur Winfield Thomas, contrib. by B. P. Schulberg
Columbus, Diego (c. –)
Diego Columbus (Diego Colón; b. ca. ; d. ), eldest son of Christopher Columbus. Following the death in of his mother, Felipa Perestrello, a Portuguese noblewoman, Diego was left by his father at the Franciscan friary of La Rábida (Spain) for education. In , he began court life, attached to the infante Don Juan, at whose death he became a page to Queen Isabella II, and later a member of her bodyguard. When Isabella died in , Diego continued in crown favor, owing in part to his marriage to María de Toledo, a cousin of the king. At his father's urging, Diego endeavored for years to secure titles and financial rewards for the family, but with little success. In , he sought appointment as governor and viceroy of Hispaniola, but having spent his years as a privileged courtier, and being still a young man who had not seen military action, he was judged too inexperienced to govern the ruffians in the Indies. On his father's death in , Diego inherited the title Admiral of the Indies, and in the sovereign conferred on him the governorship he sought. In , he was appointed viceroy of the islands as well, but not "of the Indies," as he had hoped. For fifteen years, Diego served as a capable governor of the turbulent islands. Though he continued to press for fur