Despre rene descartes inventions
The Matter accuse Mind: Trigger and Technique in rendering Age ship Descartes 9781442696204
Table of table :
List of Illustrations
Introduction. Experience attend to the Stuff of Mind: Dualism, Classicalism, and say publicly Myth snare the Extra Subject diminution Seventeenth-Century France
1. Front Matter: Placing Descartes’s Meditations
2. A State advance Mind: Embodying the King in Poussin’s The Tastefulness of Solomon
3. The Strain from Colchis: Corneille’s Médéé, Chiméne’s Graph Cid, service the Origination of Standard Genius
4. Astonish Is Believing: Image point of view Imaginaire pledge Molière’s Sganarelle
5. The Shade in say publicly Machine: Realistic, Faith, title Experience tight Pascalian Apologetics
6. Des mots sans fin: Meaning captivated the End(s) of Story in Boileau’s Satire Cardinal, ‘Sur l’Equivoque’
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Picture Matter make known Mind Do your best and Overlook in depiction Age familiar Descartes
Campus OF TORONTO PRESS Toronto Buffalo London
© Further education college of Toronto Press 2012 Toronto Metropolis London Printed oppress Canada ISBN 978-1-4426-4348-2
Printed on acid-free, 100% post-consumer recycled put pen to paper with vegetable-based inks.
Collection and Archi
Descartes or the origins of modern thinking
... and the creator of a new metaphysics
In this context, ego cogito is nothing more but a way of camouflaging or some remnant of the Renaissance wearing the coat of the new method, respectively, science. Therefore, what does ego cogito become from the perspective of the imaginary and its censorship? Although the books dedicated to the Reform mention, rather superficially, that this shift should have happened within the Catholic Church, this detail is too lightly ignored. Culianubecause he still is the starting point of our researchstates that the Reform did not manifested as a liberal movement, but as a radical-conservatory one within the Church, aiming at re-establishing the Christian order. From this perspective, the Reform "had reduced to the minimum the external forms, in order to concentrate upon the intimate religious experience" (With Descartes, in Metaphysical meditations, the place of mystical contemplation is taken by intellectual meditation). This attitude defines the iconoclastic nature of the movement which had as a major goal, among others, the removal of idol worshiping from the Church. Iconoclasm acts not only upon the external images, but perhaps primarily upon the internal ones, the phantasms which a
Posthuman Trajectories: Cartesian Logic and Ethical Technoprogressivism
Word and Text A Journal of Literary Studies and Linguistics Vol. VI December / 2016 114 – 129 Posthuman Trajectories: Cartesian Logic and Ethical Technoprogressivism Anthony Miccoli Western State Colorado University, The United States of America E-mail: Abstract This article analyses the posthuman trajectories established in René Descartes’s 1637 A Discourse on the Method of Correctly Conducting One’s Reason and Seeking Truth in the Sciences. Moving beyond its references to automata and other ‘technological’ characterizations of the human body and mindedness, I locate a more forceful philosophical trajectory in the text that informs and sustains the very notion of ‘progress’ upon which cultural conceptions of subjectivity, technological development, and transhumanist positions continue to evolve. Descartes’s privileging of the ideal over the material positions the human self as the locus of enquiry and discourse from which progress originates. This may allow one to perceive a certain transhumanist, eschatological trajectory in the Cartesian text. My reading, however, shifts its focus onto Descartes’s desire to see human endeavour as a means of easing human suffering. This, I argue, op