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The Entity Membership Almanac includes alumni, former group of pupils and associates who idea paid-in-full Beast Members endowment the K-State Alumni Meet people. Only kick alumni funding listed. Intimates on a payment display to pass on Life Chapters are foster when they have complete their word of honour to achieve a paid-in-full Life Member.
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Aaron P Aaker `95
Michael Duane Aarstad `73
Patrick Kane Abbott `09
Ronald Carl Abbott `62
Rosemary E Abbott `62
Ruth Abbott `72
Ahmad Siddiq Abdulrahman `82
Gregory Wayne Indicate `92
Renee Dawning Abel `92
Scott Abel `95
Peter Joseph Abell `88
Jay Socialist Aber `07
Lauren Rose Aber `07
Matthew Apostle Aberle `92
Carolyn Ann Abernethy `70
Rollin H Abernethy `70
Leslie Ann Ablard `02
Matt C Ablard `02
Christopher Matthew Mellifluous `08
Kelsey Laine Able `07
Mary Violette Abounabhan `18
Charlee Diane Abrams `67
Joshua M Abrams `11
James Archangel Acer `80
Paula Kim Acer `85
Delton Actor Acker `74
Peggy Lee Acker `72
Katie A Ackerman `06
Robert Ackerman `64
Trenton John Ackerman `08
Kathryn L Ackers `63
Becki S Ackley `91
Darin General Ackley `92
R Douglas Ackley `71
Lisa Beethe Acosta `89
Ramona A Humiliate `54
Blair D Adam `88
G Jo
Hall of Fame (HOF) Past Recipients
COL(R) | Richard L. Fields | 2020 |
CIV | Caterina L. Studer | 2020 |
MG(R) | Edward F. Dorman III | 2019 |
MG(R) | David E. Kratzer | 2019 |
BG(R) | Lewis S. Roach | 2019 |
BG(R) | Kenneth L. Penttila | 2019 |
COL(R) | Jeffrey B. Helmick | 2019 |
CSM(R) | John T. Kressley | 2019 |
MG(R) | Peter S. Lennon | 2018 |
CSM(R) | Frank L. Reeves | 2018 |
CSM(R) | Lesly T. McCorkle | 2018 |
CSM(R) | Thomas A. Mott | 2018 |
CIV | Joe A. Fortner | 2018 |
8th Transportation Group | 2018 | |
319th Transportation Company | 2018 | |
MG(R) | Jack O'Connor | 2017 |
MG(R) | Luis R. Visot | 2017 |
BG(R) | Mark Scheid | 2017 |
COL(R) | Donald G. Drummer | 2017 |
CSM(R) | Allen B. Offord, Jr. | 2017 |
COL(R) | James E. Veditz | 2016 |
CW5 (R) | Michael Wichterman | 2016 |
BG(R) | Brian R. Layer | 2015 |
COL(R) | Mark Henderson | 2015 |
COL(R) | Timothy K. McNulty | 2015 |
COL | Jones Ulysses | 2015 |
LTC(R) | James “Jeff” Brown | 2015 |
CW5(R) | William K. Thomas | 2015 |
CSM(R) | Paul J. Nelson | 2015 |
LTG | Kathleen M. Gainey | 2014 |
LTG | Jack C. Stultz, Jr. | 2014 |
MG | James Hodge | 2014 |
CW5 | Nicholas E. Indra | 2014 |
CSM | Tomas R. Hawkins | 2014 |
CSM | C. C. Jenkins, Jr. | 2014 |
CSM | Jo