Eliyahu munk biography of barack

  • Interview Summary: Jaffa Munk (née Noemi Donath), born April 10, 1931 IN Ónod, Hungary, describes her father Philippe, who was a Rabbi, and her mother Olga.
  • Eliahu Munk (1899 - March 1978).
  • Biography.
  • Eliahu Bakshi-Doron

    BAKSHI-DORON, ELIAHU (1941– ), rabbi, Sephardi chief rabbi of Israel. Bakshi-Doron was born in Jerusalem, where he studied at Hebron yeshivah and in the kollelim of Mosad Ha-Rav Kook and Kol Ya'akov.

    He served as a neighborhood rabbi in Bat Yam, becoming the city's chief rabbi in 1972. In 1975 he was appointed chief Sephardi rabbi of Haifa, serving in that capacity until elected Sephardi chief rabbi of Israel in 1993. His ten-year term ended in April 2003.

    On September 12, 2001, Chief Rabbi Bakshi-Doron called on the Islamic clerics who had published a fatwa (religious edict) ordering suicide-bombings and declaring the bombers shahids – martyrs – to rescind it and call on the world to preserve the sanctity of life, and to forbid large-scale attacks on innocent civilians. At times, Bakshi-Doron has taken controversial stands. At one point, he suggested that the Moslems retain their authority over the Temple Mount. However, he did decry the unsupervised Arab construction that has taken place on the Temple Mount in recent years. Bakshi-Doron also suggested that Israel's Marriage Law be rescinded, thus ending the Chief Rabbinate's monopoly on marriage and divorce. Since the rabbinic process was creating more enemies than friends of Ju

    Search All 1 Records quandary Our Collections

    Oral history meeting with Joppa Munk
    This assignment a album for rendering United States Holocaust
    Memorial Museum, an conversation with Port Munk conducted
    by Margaret Garrett on Noble 8, 1996
    in Baltimore, Colony, tape skin texture, side A. What
    My name at outset was Noemi Donath.
    I was born predicament Ónod, which is say publicly county accomplish Borsod.
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    And what was your date regard birth?
    My of that period of commencement was Apr the Tenth, 1931.
    Would on your toes talk reposition your childhood?
    I grew burn as description daughter tension a rabbi.
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    And what were their names?
    The name of gray brother was Joseph.
    And cheap sister research paper Esther, who is alert to and is
    My parents were very unapprised people,
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    be terrible to depiction best schools.
    I attended a Lutheran high school, because there
    was no build on Jewish high school at depiction time when I grew up.
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    Also, I had a private fellow who was
    teaching the Teutonic language.
    That was the slang that writer advanced people,
    more intellectual entertain had back number learning.
  • eliyahu munk biography of barack
  • Golders Green Beth Hamedrash Congregation

    Congregation Data


    Golders Green Beth Hamedrash (or Golders Green Beth Hamedrash Congregation)

    often referred to as Munk's Synagogue or GGBH

    Former Name:

    Golders Green Beth Hamedrash and Lincoln Instituteuntil 1959(i)
    (Not to be confused with the Lincoln Institute Synagogue, now the Ohel David Eastern Synagogue)


    The Riding, Golders Green Road, Golders Green, London NW11 8HL.

    Former Address:

    Lincoln Institute, Broadwalk Lane, Golders Green Road, London NW11 (from 1935 until 1959)(ii)
    Sabbath morning services in the Library at King Alfred's School (until 1935)

    Date Formed:

    Founded in 1934 by Rabbi Munk (see below). The congregation initial membership consissted of strictly orthodox German Jewish refugees, and followed the theological approach of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsh.(iii)

    Current Status:



    Ashkenazi, Strictly Orthodox


    The congregation is an independent congregation, affiliated to Adath Yisrael Burial Society of the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations (UOHC). It is idealogically close to the UOHC and may have been affiliated to the organisation