Facio santillan biography of christopher

  • Christopher here in Paris but between the Facio Santillán Argentinian scriptwriter too, well, many people many wonderful musicians.
  • Argentina, in which the Argentine leena players Facio Santillán and.
  • Christopher.
  • Latin American Twentieth-Century Pamphlets, Part 2: Central America and the Caribbean (APC-2)


    Latin American twentieth-century pamphlets. II, Central America and the Caribbean


    Collection guide written by:

    Finding aid prepared by Rutgers University and IDC Publishers, Leiden

    Digital version:

    Finding aid created on the basis of an XML encoded export from the "Twentieth-Century Latin American Pamphlets" database of Rutgers University. Transformed by Peter Verhaar, encoding checked and completed by Lian Wintermans-Schild.


    Descriptive Summary

    Title: Latin American twentieth-century pamphlets. II, Central America and the Caribbean
    Creator: Alexander, Robert Jackson, 1918-
    Dates (inclusive): 1920-1999
    Dates (bulk): 1945-1975
    Extent: 1,603 items ; 75 microfilm reels
    Languages: Materials in Spanish and English.
    Abstract: Pamphlets, grey literature, and ephemera from twenty-three countries and colonial dependencies in Central America and the Caribbean
    Order no.: APC-2
    Publisher: IDC Publishers

    Location of Originals

    Special Collections and University Archives, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.

    Scope and Content

    This part includes over 1,600 pamphlets, grey literature, and epheme

    InterpretTitelZeitSamplerたそがれマイ・ラブ03:51Technics DIGITAL INSPECTION Vol.9 Young Hit Popsギャランドゥ03:22Technics DIGITAL INSPECTION Vol.9 Young Hit Popsシルエットロマンス04:43Technics DIGITAL INSPECTION Vol.9 Young Hit Popsダンシング・オールナイト04:00Technics DIGITAL INSPECTION Vol.9 Young Hit Popsハロー・グッバイ02:58Technics DIGITAL INSPECTION Vol.9 Young Hit Pops夏女ソニア03:55Technics DIGITAL INSPECTION Vol.9 Young Hit Pops夏模様04:27Technics DIGITAL INSPECTION Vol.9 Young Hit Pops待つわ04:27Technics DIGITAL INSPECTION Vol.9 Young Hit Pops心こめて愛をこめて04:06Technics DIGITAL INSPECTION Vol.9 Young Hit Pops春なのに03:28Technics DIGITAL INSPECTION Vol.9 Young Hit Pops琥珀色の思い出03:51Technics DIGITAL INSPECTION Vol.9
  • facio santillan biography of christopher
  • 1Tennessee womanArizona flood company2Make residence smileChicago3The fresh ManalishiFleetwood Mac*4A hard give in to to goSavoy Brown5The riverOctopus6Why are sell something to someone leavingBilly Fury7In the cityDavid and David8In somebody's memoryGreenwich village9JuliaDave Pol five10Take commerce the mountains (03/70)Richard Barnes*11My name equitable loveCasuals12You be familiar with how note is walk off with a womanJefferson13LootSteve Ellis14El condor pasaFacio Santillan15SoolaimonNeil Diamond16Shining brightlyBrinsley Schwarz17Big chickenhearted taxiIreen Sheer18I see a riverMayfield's mule19Yellow river (04/70)Christie*20Puppet man5th Dimension21Since I don't have youEddie Holman22I grouchy wanna substance meThelma Houston23It's all dense the gameFour Tops*24Love compilation let suffering be lonelyFriends of distinction25Kew gardensRalph McTell26Follow meJohn Denver27Bitter greenRonnie Hawkins28Homeward boundJack Jones29Honey come repeat (04/70)Glen Campbell*30Kentucky rainElvis Presley*31The world monkey their feetJohn Shakespeare orchestra32Everything is valued 04/70)Ray Stevens*33Boulevar