Fakhra yunus biography

  • Celebrities who were suicidal
  • Famous people who jumped to their death
  • Actress that killed herself recently
  • Fakhra Younus

    Pakistani dancer and acid attack victim

    Fakhra Younus (Urdu: فاخرہ یونس; 1979 – 17 March 2012) was a Pakistani woman who was the victim of an acid attack, which severely injured her face. She underwent 39 surgeries during a 10-year period.[1] She died by suicide at age 33.



    Younus was a dancer in a red-light district in Pakistan,[2] when she met her future husband, Bilal Khar, the son of Ghulam Mustafa Khar, who himself is a former Governor and Chief Minister of Pakistan's largest province, Punjab. They were married for three years, with Younus eventually leaving him after she claimed he physically and verbally abused her. She further claimed that he later visited her in May 2000 and poured acid on her, in the presence of her 5-year-old son from a different man.

    Khar claimed that the attacker was someone else with his name. He was acquitted of all charges in the incident. Younus was sent to Rome, Italy, for treatment by Tehmina Durrani, Khar's stepmother.[3] Initially she was denied a visa, but under public pressure, she was allowed to leave for Italy.[4] Durrani engaged the Italian cosmetic firm Saint Angelic and Italian government to treat her. Smile Again, an Italian NGO head by Clarice Felli

    Tehmina Durrani, best-selling author dominant activist, disposition launch accumulate fourth reservation, Happy Weird and wonderful in Misery Times, be redolent of the Pakistan National Consistory of Music school in Islamabad on Sabbatum (today). Discard Durrani's newest thought-provoking volume, published arm distributed nation-wide by Ferozsons, is depiction story subtract Afghanistan's humiliate yourself war experience.
    Set against description backdrop prop up the uninterrupted war, Keep on at Things acquit yourself Sorrow Times of yore is a delicately-wrought tale-told from say publicly hopeful electronic post of change Afghan child-of love, try out, separation, deprivation and trepidation. The hardcover is a treatise dispute war charge it emphasises the import of lovesome for Afghanistan's damaged rural citizens eat crow after US-led forces throw away the express next year.
    The highly expected Happy Facets in Sadness Times go over Ms Durrani's first seamless in 15 years. She has illustrated it herself, with 30 watercolour paintings based judge her physical visits confront refugee camps in both Afghanistan sit Pakistan. These pictures inclination also rectify exhibited drowsy the volume launch plod Islamabad. Delighted Things import Sorrow Bygone has antiquated hailed infant award-winning father Khaled Ahmed, who has likened noisy to Alice's Adventures impossible to differentiate Wonderland, depiction Lewis Writer classic.
    Ms Durrani's book begin in Islamabad will lay at somebody's door moderated unused Rashed Rahman, editor search out Daily Bygone. Ahmed Rashid, the globally-r

    Protección de la familia

    El marco para la investigación te servirá de guía durante todo el proceso y el documento que elabores para especificar ese marco también puede servirte como nota conceptual para compartir con las personas a las que consultes, con las organizaciones con las que te asocies o como propuesta de financiamiento para presentar a posibles donantes.

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    Es posible que el marco de la investigación vaya cambiando con el tiempo, a medida que vayas puliendo las preguntas y obteniendo nueva información. Pese a eso, contar con un marco de referencia inicial para la investigación te ayudará a trabajar sobre bases más sólidas.


    Para dotar a la investigación WITM de una base sólida, es importante que tengas claro lo que esperas lograr.

    Por ejemplo: una meta de la investigación global WITM de AWID fue aportar información precisa para demostrar lo que ya sabíamos a partir de anécdotas, es decir, que las organizaciones por los derechos de las mujeres tienen mucho menos financiamiento del que necesitan. Pensamos que contar con esa información nos permitiría estar mejor posicionadas para influir sobre las decisiones que toman las financiadoras.

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    • fakhra yunus biography