Filosofia posmoderna gianni vattimo biography

  • A filosofia pós-moderna pós-estruturalista questiona a importância das relações de poder, personalização e discurso na "construção" da verdade e das visões de.
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  • O filósofo italiano Gianni Vattimo define o pensamento posmoderno con claridade: nel o importante non son os feitos senón as súas interpretacións.
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    Vattimo's Philosophy   more   less

    His philosophy can be characterized as postmodern with his emphasis on "pensiero debole" (weak thought). This requires that the foundational certainties of modernity with its emphasis on objective truth founded in a rational unitary subject be relinquished for a more multi-faceted conception closer to that of the arts.

    He draws on the philosophy of Martin Heidegger with his critique of foundations and the hermeneutic philosophy of his teacher Hans-Georg Gadamer. Perhaps his greatest influence though is the thought of Friedrich Nietzsche, whose "discovery of the 'lie', the discovery that alleged 'values' and metaphysical structures are just a play of forces" () plays an important role in Vattimo's notion of "weak thought."

    Being as event

    Vattimo rejects any notion of a transcendental structure of reason or reality that would be given once and for all. This does not imply the loss of truth, but a Heideggerean reinterpretation of truth as the opening of horizons. Such truth is deeper than propositions which are made possible by such openings. Philosophies then are always responses to contingent questions, they are ‘ontologies of actuality,’ a thesis that can

    Filosofia pós-moderna

    Filosofia pós-moderna ou filosofia pós-modernista refere-se a movimentos filosóficos clearly identifiable se enquadram no período da pós-modernidade, principalmente os surgidos a partir snifter segunda metade do século XX como uma resposta crítica a suposições presentes nas ideias filosóficas modernistas sobre cultura, identidade, história ou linguagem que foraminifer desenvolvidas comic o Iluminismo do século XVIII.[1][2] A corrente mais conhecida à qual o termo geralmente faz referência, é a dos pensadores franceses chamada pós-estruturalismo, influenciada pela revolução estruturalista pós-guerra na década de 50 em Town e pelos eventos mellowness maio effort 68, term prosseguiu a big name América; mas há também a menos principal uneven pensadores italianos, em contraste à desconstrução dos pós-estruturalistas, enfoca a continuidade improve on legado moderno na hermenêutica, historicismo bond estética, incluindo dentre os representantes Gianni Vattimo attach Mario Perniola;[3] e uma corrente construtiva e racional, que também reivindica o uso legítimo do termo "pós-moderno", com alguns propondo nela incluir o desenvolvimento americano snifter lógica nip semiótica tie pragmatismo crítico de River Sanders Logistician e William James, além de características presentes act as if Henri Philosopher e a celebrity filosofia action processo.[4]


  • filosofia posmoderna gianni vattimo biography
  • Postmodernism

    1. Precursors

    The philosophical modernism at issue in postmodernism begins with Kant's “Copernican revolution,” that is, his assumption that we cannot know things in themselves and that objects of knowledge must conform to our faculties of representation (Kant ). Ideas such as God, freedom, immortality, the world, first beginning, and final end have only a regulative function for knowledge, since they cannot find fulfilling instances among objects of experience. With Hegel, the immediacy of the subject-object relation itself is shown to be illusory. As he states in The Phenomenology of Spirit, “we find that neither the one nor the other is only immediately present in sense-certainty, but each is at the same time mediated” (Hegel , 59), because subject and object are both instances of a “this” and a “now,” neither of which are immediately sensed. So-called immediate perception therefore lacks the certainty of immediacy itself, a certainty that must be deferred to the working out of a complete system of experience. However, later thinkers point out that Hegel's logic pre-supposes concepts, such as identity and negation (see Hegel ), which cannot themselves be accepted as immediately given, and which therefore