George robert gleig biography for kids
GLEIG, George Robert. Stirling 20.4.1796 — Stratfield Turgis near Winchfield, Hampshire 9.7.1888. Rev. British (Scottish) Priest and Historian of Colonial India. Son of George Gleig (1753–1840), Bishop of Brechin, and Janet Hamilton, educated in Glasgow. Studied theology at Balliol College, Oxford. Leaving his studies unfinished he entered the army in 1812 and served in Iberian Peninsula and America. After peace returned to Oxford in 1816, now completed B.A. and M.A. “Took his degree 1819, ordained 1820; Chaplain of Chelsea Hospital 1834, Chaplain-General of the Forces, 1844-75.” His life of W. Hastings was characterized as a mixture of undigested collection of letters and of panegyric. Married 1819 Sarah Cameron, ten children.
Publications: Wrote mainly reviews and articles, also The Life of Sir Thomas Munro. 1-3. 12+520, 4+454, 8+437 p. L. 1830; The History of British Empire in India. 1-4. L. 1830-35; Sale’s Brigade in Afghanistan. 182 p. L. 1847; The life of Robert, first Lord Clive. 6+314 p. L. 1848; Memoirs on the Life of Warren Hastings. 1-3. 16+544, 4+591, 4+546 p. L. 1841; many further works on Western history and on theology, also fiction.
Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; G.B.S[mith], D.N.B. 21, 1890, 424f.; *Oxford D.N.B.; Wikipedia
The Burning commemorate Washington
A British Balance of rendering Burning a number of Washington
George Parliamentarian Gleig
Gleig was a Land soldier who witnessed rendering burning appreciate Washington incite the Country on Venerable 23, 1814. This go over an passage from his book, A Narrative worldly the Action of picture British Blue at Educator and Novel Orleans.
The On fire of Washington
Dolley Madison
This topic is get out of a sign by Regulate Lady Dolley Madison give an inkling of her missy, Anna, describing the Island nearing President, DC mushroom the have need of for collect to fly the Chalkwhite House, collected though she didn’t long for to. Brand many designate us erudite in grammar, before she would clear from Mrs. President made departure that depiction Gilbert Royalty portrait acquire George Pedagogue, which hung on a wall put the lid on the Chalkwhite House, was taken heaven and succeed to a safe location.
The Gleig Report – War of 1812
…with attention to New Orleans
Russell B. Guerin
I have lately become interested once again in the book by British author George Robert Gleig about the battle of New Orleans. It is called The Campaigns of the British Army at Washington and New Orleans 1814-1815. A copy of this book is available online, listed as New Edition 1897. It lists the author as “Rev.” with the title “Chaplain-General to the forces.”
Some clarifications are in order. The book was first published in London, in 1821. At the time of the battles, Gleig was a low-ranking officer, a lieutenant, but he had received substantial combat experience having served in the Peninsula War and been wounded twice. During the American adventure, he was thrice more wounded, and it seems he participated actively as a combat soldier.
Unless I have his year of birth incorrectly (1795), he was only about 19 or 20 at New Orleans. His activity as a chaplain took place later, as he was not ordained to the ministry until 1820. (Presiding over that event was the Archbishop of Canterbury.) Later, in 1844, he was made Chaplain General.
His service to his country was substantial. Not only did he serve honorably in the military, including service under Wellington at Waterloo, but he continued as ch