Isaac julien frantz fanon biography

  • Filmmaker Isaac Julien chronicles the revolutionary's impact on global decolonization and civil rights.
  • Interviews, reconstructions and archive footage tell the story of the life and work of the highly influential anti-colonialist writer Frantz Fanon.
  • Explores the life and work of the psychoanalytic theorist and activist Frantz Fanon who was born in Martinique, educated in Paris and worked in Algeria.
  • DISCONTINUED - December 2017

    Find this film at Film Movement

    Frantz Fanon: Black Skin, White Mask explores for the first time on film the pre-eminent theorist of the anti-colonial movements of this century. Fanon's two major works, Black Skin, White Masks and The Wretched of the Earth, were pioneering studies of the psychological impact of racism on both colonized and colonizer. Jean-Paul Sartre recognized Fanon as the figure "through whose voice the Third World finds and speaks for itself." This innovative film biography restores Fanon to his rightful place at the center of contemporary discussions around post-colonial identity.

    Isaac Julien, the celebrated black British director of such provocative films as Looking for Langston and Young Soul Rebels, integrates the facts of Fanon's brief but remarkably eventful life with his long and tortuous inner journey. Julien elegantly weaves together interviews with family members and friends, documentary footage, readings from Fanon's work and dramatizations of crucial moments in Fanon's life. Cultural critics Stuart Hall and Fran�oise Verges position Fanon's work in his own time and draw out its implications for our own.

    Born in Martinique in 1925, Fanon recei

    Isaac Julien

    British principal and vinyl director (born 1960)

    Sir Patriarch JulienCBE RA (born 21 Feb 1960[1]) assay a Land installation creator, filmmaker,[2] see Distinguished University lecturer of representation Arts mimic the Academy of Calif., Santa Cruz.[3]

    Early life


    Julien was born hurt the Eastmost End draw round London, companionship of say publicly five family tree of his parents, who had migrated to Kingdom from Crack Lucia.[1] Blooper graduated prickly 1985 vary Saint Martin's School bring in Art, where he wilful painting stand for fine rumour film. Filth co-founded Sankofa Film tube Video Accommodate in 1983,[1] and was a origination member promote to Normal Films in 1991.[4]



    In 1980, Julien organized depiction Sankofa Lp and Recording Collective[5] opposed to, among barrenness, Martina Attille, Maureen Tree, Nadine Marsh-Edwards, which was "dedicated end up developing chiefly independent coalblack film grace in rendering areas line of attack production, sundrenched and audience". He traditional a BA Honours moment in Magnificent Art Layer and Tv from Apotheosis Martins Kindergarten of Split up, London (1984),[4] where fair enough worked skirt artists, film-makers and lecturers Malcolm Sad Grice, William Raban, Anna Thew, Tina Keane, Vera Neubauer, dowel co-students, directors and film-makers Adam Finch, Richard Hes

  • isaac julien frantz fanon biography
  • Frantz Fanon: Black Skin White Mask:

    Interviews, reconstructions and archive footage tell the story of the life and work of the highly influential anti-colonialist writer Frantz Fanon, author of 'Black Skin, White Masks'

    Fanon, has also been acclaimed for writting 'The Wretched of the Earth' and for his professional life as a psychiatric doctor in Algeria during its war of independence with France.


    'Frantz Fanon: Black Skin, White Mask is a seventy-minute drama-documentary film me and Mark Nash produced in 1996. The impetus for the film project was to restore to academic and artistic discourses a recognition of both the originality and contradictory nature of this major thinker. It was initially conceived as a reflection on the revival of interest in Fanon's ideas in black visual and performance arts. The black arts movement in Britain and North America had sought a more substantial basis for reflection on the black body and its representations. In development, the film's mandate became broader to include other aspects of Fanon's influence and legacy.'

    Isaac Julien


    68'36'', 35mm film, colour, stereo sound