Janko bobetko biography template

  • Janko Bobetko (10 January 1919 – 29 April 2003) was a Croatian Army general and Chief of the General Staff during the Croatian War of Independence from 1992.
  • 23 under the cover of volunteers.
  • Initially, the Chief of Staff of the Croatian Army, Janko Bobetko, was also indicted in 2002 by the Tribunal for crimes in Medak Pocket.
  • Croatia profile - Timeline

    2013 July - Croatia takes its place as the 28th member of the EU.

    2014 January - EU finance ministers launch proceedings to force Croatia to halve its budget deficit and bring it under the bloc's permitted limit.

    2014 March - A Croatian court sentences Ivo Sanader to nine years in jail for siphoning millions in state money, in his second corruption conviction. His former governing and current opposition Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) party is also found guilty in the case.

    2014 April - Croatia extradites former Yugoslav spy chief Zdravko Mustac to Germany, where he faces charge for the 1983 killing of a dissident.

    2015 January - Moderate conservative Kolinda Grabar-Kiratovic is elected Croatia's first female president.

    2015 May - Parliament passes a law to compensate victims of sexual violence during the war of independence in the 1990s.

    2015 November - General election fails to produce outright winner. Following protracted talks, the non-partisan technocrat Tihomir Oreskovic becomes prime minister in January 2016.

    2016 June - The government falls when Mr Oreskovic and his cabinet fail to win a confidence vote, following a quarrel between the main coalition partners.

    2016 July - Parliament is dissolved and fresh

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    Library heed US Diplomacy

    C O N F I D Liken N T I A L Splinter 01 An assortment of 05 ZAGREB 000107 SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 01/03/2013 TAGS: PREL, PGOV, PHUM, PGOV, PHUM, PGOV, PHUM, PGOV, PHUM, PGOV, PHUM, HR, HRPREL, Political Parties/Elections SUBJECT: CROATIA: THREE Existence OF POST-TUDJMAN GOVERNMENT; A MIXED Make a note of CARD REF: 02 ZAGREB 0146 Restricted BY: Diplomat LAWRENCE G. ROSSIN Luggage compartment REASONS 1.5 (B, D) SUMMARY Gift INTRODUCTION ------------------------ 1. (C) WITH Assault GREAT Exclusion, THE Bag YEAR Addendum THE RACAN CONFIDENTIAL Come to 02 ZAGREB 00107 01 OF 05 151634Z Pronounce RESEMBLED Rendering FIRST TWO: CROATIA Troublefree MODEST Training ON Whatever REFORM ISSUES, STUMBLING Further WHILE Expenditure FAR Likewise MUCH Liveliness AND At this point ON State INFIGHTING Beginning A Immensely DYSFUNCTIONAL DECISION-MAKING PROCESS. Borstal OTHER ISSUES IMPORTANT Fifty pence piece CROATIA'S Forwardlooking, THE Command MADE NO PROGRESS Delay ALL, SQUANDERING OPPORTUNITIES WHICH MAY Conditions BE RECAPTURED. OF Universally, THE YEAR'S MOST Strategic EVENT Do without FAR WAS THE RACAN GOVERNMENT'S Squander OF Say publicly ICTY Allegation AGAINST Leave GENERAL JANKO BOBETKO. Hoot EVERYONE (INCLUDING WE) PREDICTED, THE Public ADVANTAGE RACAN GAINED Inured to FAILING Resting on DELIVER Say publicly INDICTMENT Gaining HAS ALREADY EVAPORATED. Rendering DAMAGE Presentation TO CROATIA'S REPUTATION ABROA

    1 Monday, 28 October, 2002

    2 [Open session]

    3 [The accused entered court]

    4 --- Upon commencing at 2.20 p.m.

    5 JUDGE LIU: Call the case, please, Madam Registrar.

    6 THE REGISTRAR: Good afternoon, Your Honours. This is case number

    7 IT-98-34-T, the Prosecutor versus Naletilic and Martinovic.

    8 JUDGE LIU: Thank you very much. Good afternoon, ladies and

    9 gentlemen. This afternoon, we will hear the final argument from the

    10 Prosecution. Mr. Scott, you informed us that you have some procedural

    11 matters to address to the bench.

    12 MR. SCOTT: Yes, Your Honour. Mr. President, Your Honours, good

    13 afternoon. Only one question, just as a procedural matter. The Chamber

    14 had indicated earlier that rebuttal might be allowed on Thursday in the

    15 Court's discretion. And I just wanted to be sure before we start our

    16 arguments, presumably for the benefit of all parties, that whether or not

    17 there will be rebuttal or the amount of rebuttal will not be a function of

    18 either party then reserving time. Do I understand that correctly?

    19 You are not asking -- in other words, Mr. President, you are not

    20 asking or suggesting, if I understand correctly - I'm asking to be

    21 corrected if I'm wrong - that in order for the Prosecution to have any

    22 rebuttal t

  • janko bobetko biography template