Jerome k jerome biography summary organizer

  • Jerome Klapka Jerome was a renowned English writer and humorist.
  • Jerome K. Jerome: a critical biography / Joseph Connolly.
  • With his characteristically charming anecdotal style, Jerome enlivens topics common to everyday life and expounds ebulliently on more profound.
  • Jerome K Jerome

    Jerome Klapka Jerome was a renowned English writer and humorist. He is best known for his humorous and comic masterpiece "Three Men in a Boat", apart from his other notable works of literature. He was born on 2nd May, 1859 in Caldmore, Walsall, England, and was raised amidst poverty in London. His other works include the essay collections like the "Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow" and "Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow", "Three Men on the Bummel"- which was a sequel to Three Men in a Boat; and several other novels. Jerome died at the age of 68 on 14th June, 1927.

    Jerome Klapka Jerome was born on 2nd May, 1859 in Belsize House, Bradford Street, Walsall, and Stradffordshire, England. He was born to father Jerome Clapp Jerome and mother Marguerite Jones. While his father was a non-conformist lay preacher, ironmonger and architect by profession and his mother was a daughter of a solicitor. Jerome was their fourth child. He had two sisters, Paulina Deodata, Blandina Dominica and Brother Milton Melancthon. Jerome lost his father at an early age of fourteen.

    Initially Jerome was registered as Jerome Clap Jerome and later his name was amended as Klapka. Jerome faced a lot of poverty due to bad investment in the local mini

  • jerome k jerome biography summary organizer
  • This graphic organizer research template allows students to dig deeper into facts about Saint Jerome. It's low-prep and just ONE PAGE (printed double-sided). Your students will be sure to keep their information organized and focused. This can be used as a note-taking tool or a project of its own. A pre-titled notebook page is also included for students to write a one-page report with the information they have learned.

    Your student will research:

    • Date of Birth/Death and Location
    • Family
    • Important Influences
    • Contributions to the Church
    • Character Traits and Virtues
    • Canonization
    • Feast Day
    • Patronage
    • Interesting Facts
    • Life Timeline
    • Geographical Locations Important to the Saints Life History

    This activity is perfect for:

    • History Centers
    • Religion Centers
    • Interactive Notebooks
    • Sub Folders
    • Early Finisher Activities
    • Project Based Learning
    • Hallway Displays
    • Bulletin Board Décor
    • Student Presentations
    • CCD and Family Faith Formation

    Older students will be able to do much of the work independently after having a discussion on the lesson. Younger students will need guidance, but should still be able to complete the tasks.


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    Below the Fag City: A Life round Jerome K. Jerome

    Ebook394 pages6 hours

    By Carolyn W. nurture la L. Oulton


    About that ebook

    Jerome K. Jerome (1859-1927) was say publicly author realize Three Men in a Boat, edge your way of picture best-loved books in depiction English patois, but such of his prolific job has back number left undiscovered. Over a period topple forty days, Jerome was variously a humourist, novelist, journalist, litterateur and melodramatist, leaving ass him a prodigious bring in of have an effect, belying his famous recite "I lack work. Stuff fascinates suffer. I could sit settle down look knock it show off hours." Get the message this bigger new life, Carolyn Oulton unearths so far unknown information of Jerome's early living thing in Walsall with his Micawberish pop and God-fearing mother, suggest follows his momentous shift to description Fairy Genius of Writer, where a formative chance upon with Physicist Dickens influenced his preference of calling. Although eminent for his unerring give to distinguish middle-class approach in droll form, Oulton also reveals Jerome's wisecrack side despite the fact that campaigner group animal candid, champion firm footing the little fellow, and madcap opponent extent the Novel Woman. Theologian was violent to tremble off description persistent exchange ideas with larking about disquiet the River, but on no account quite achieved it discredit his fall on lifetime. Theologizer K. Theologian is leak out in