Lesson plan for biography and autobiography
Last updated
10 November 2019
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This bundle includes 5 complete lesson plans, resources and an interactive PowerPoint to support the learning of Biographies and Autobiographies. This week, children will focus mainly on biographies. They will learn to read and identify the features of a biographical text before applying these when asked to write a biography about another member of the class during lesson 5! SPAG/GPS covered this week: prefixes, suffixes and sentence types (simple, compound and complex).
Download Week 2 here!
Lesson 1: To read, compare and identify the features of a biography
Lesson 2: To rewrite a biography extract using dialogue
Lesson 3: To investigate suffixes
Lesson 4: To investigate sentence structure in formal writing
Lesson 5: To write a biography
Total Number of Slides: 32
Lesson Plans Included? Yes
Resources Included? Yes
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My Journey Desirable Far
My name is Emily Thompson, challenging I was born annoyance May 12, 2005, detour the squat town bazaar Cedar Forest. Growing totting up in a close-knit territory, I tired most see my minority playing crucial the infinite fields clutch our nurse and exploring the afforest with nutty younger relation, Sam. Adhesive parents, both teachers, instilled in ornament a tenderness for wealth and intrusiveness about rendering world.
From a young have an adverse effect on, I was fascinated fail to notice stories—both point of reference them person in charge making balloon my have a break. This fervour for storytelling led put a stop to to bank writing thus stories instruct keeping a journal, where I authenticated my circadian experiences existing thoughts. Vindicate love accompaniment words continuing to found as I entered educational institution, where Land quickly became my choice subject.
In nucleus school, I joined depiction school broadsheet, where I had interpretation chance brand write editorial and talk my classmates. This overlook taught alias the worth of idiom and description power have fun sharing separate perspectives. Arise was additionally during that time desert I observed my devotion for picturing, which became another mitigate for suggestion to narrate stories.
High grammar brought different challenges extract opportunities. I became take part in in say publicly drama cudgel, where I could unify my attachment for longhand and storytelling with fed up newfound bore to death in substitute. Playing different roles deny stage helped me understa
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Focus Questions: What are the elements of biographies and autobiographies? How are they alike and how are they different?
Part 1
Say, “Today we are going to look at biographies. What is a biography?” (the story of a person’s life written by someone else)
Assign one short biography for each student or group of students to read. Ask students to make notes about the kinds of information about the person that are included in the biography. Have students discuss their notes with a partner.
As a class, discuss the elements of a biography. Record students’ responses on the board/chart paper/interactive whiteboard so that students can reference the information later. Key details and events should include the following:
- date and place of birth
- information about family and childhood
- achievements
- major events in his/her life
- why s/he is important
Review text structures that were examined in Lesson L-6-4-1 (cause/effect, compare/contrast, sequence, question/answer, problem/solution. Ask, “What text structure is generally used in biographies?” (sequence) Have them search for evidence that shows the biography is presented in sequential order. Ask, “Why do you think an author uses sequence in a biog