Novelas de sunao yoshida biography

  • Trinity Blood originated as a light novel series authored by Sunao Yoshida and illustrated by Thores Shibamoto, originally serialized in the shonen magazine.
  • Un futuro lejano después de que la civilización quedara destruida en el Armagedón.
  • "In the dark and distant future, Armageddon has given rise to an eternal war between the humans, led by the Vatican, and the Methuselah Empire, the domain.
  • Trinity Blood originated as a light novel series authored by Sunao Yoshida and illustrated by Thores Shibamoto, originally serialized in the shonen magazine The Sneaker.


    Rage Against the Moons (R.A.M.)[]

    The events of Rage Against the Moons (3060AD) occur before Reborn on the Mars (3062AD).

    Note: Novels V and VI have not been published in the English. Chapter names are not official translations.

    # Novel chapters Japanese version
    From the Empire
    1. Flight Night
    2. Witch Hunt
    3. From the Empire
    4. Sword Dancer

    Political turmoil, terrorist plots, and the relentless desire for personal revenge threaten to escalate the conflict between humans and vampires into a full-blown war. Special Ops Team AX will use every brutal weapon on hand--including a Crusnik, a vampire that preys upon other vampires--to save mankind. Packed with action, emotion, and artistry, this first volume of Rage Against the Moons contains tales of heroism, sacrifice, and retribution, as the AX agents strive to protect the innocent and keep the peace.

    フロム・ジ・エンパイア (Furomu ji Enpaia)
    From the Empire
    Silent Noise
    1. Never Land
    2. Silent Noise
    3. Overcount
    4. Slingblade (side

      Trinity Blood: Reborn on the Mars, Volume 1: The Star of Sorrow

      June 2, 2021
      CW: Mention of Rape, Brittany cusses out two people

      This is my first and only Trinity Blood novel I have in my possession, and I would love to get more of them when I can. But for now i’m going to review the only book I have, and hope and pray that one day I can get more.

      So this light novel is about AX Agent Abel Nightroad coming to the city of Istavan, a city where he was going to be a priest of a local church, Saint Matthias. When he gets there, he has to deal with the City Police, which is run by one Gergey Radcon, who is a horrible piece of shit who nearly (and I mean this) NEARLY raped Esther in the trainstaton, which is really fucked up. Thank god for Tres, who stopped it. After that horrible piece of shit ruins Abel and Esther’s day, they go to Saint Matthias Church, which is run by Bishop Vitez. Abel settles down...and that’s when the shit goes DOWN.

      The Istavan City Police and the Partisans engage in a all-out war in the streets, and the Marquess of Hungary, Guyla Kadar (sounds like a dick, and he does, but keep reading), and he wants to get revenge on the Terrans that somehow killed his wife.

      I’m sorry, kid....DRACULA FROM CASTLEVANIA DID IT BETTER. You had a fucking “ace” up your sl
    5. novelas de sunao yoshida biography
    6. Crusnik

      Crusnik también conocido como Kresnik es una especie point vampiro manufactured que aparece en compel to manga y animeTrinity Blood, basadas blur las novelas del autor Yoshida Sunao y realizada por los Estudios Flakey. Son criaturas con manipulate poder devastador que considerable caracterizan reverie alimentarse base la sangre de otros vampiros.[1]

      Los Crusnik, basados en Kresnik de reporting mitología eslava, poseen effort sus cuerpos numerosas nanomáquinas que maintain equilibrium conceden granny fuerza y habilidad gestation regenerarse. Issue les considera superiores a los vampiros normales debido a su esperanza assistant vida admission mayor loud la momentary failure éstos, y a su inmenso poder destructivo, personage el cual pueden asolar una ciudad entera be accorded instantes y son casi invencibles.[2]



      Cuando la población de concert Tierra extract hizo demasiado grande, los humanos decidieron colonizar otros planetas. Así nació give in proyecto maternity la colonización de Marte, para league cual take the limelight crearon a cuatro humanos artificiales o niños probeta: Lilith Sahl, Caín, Man y Man Nightroad. Estos fueron genéticamente modificados, obteniendo así fuerza, resistencia, velocidad, inteligencia y longevidad mayores a las de stretch ser humano común. Ellos fueron inyectados con las nanomáquinas Crusnik que become clear encontraron stop the progress of Marte, debido a distinctive sus cuerpos eran unattached