Paulene myers biography of williams

  • Maury chaykin
  • Paulene myers cause of death
  • Paulene Myers was born on 9 November in Ocilla, Georgia, USA. She was an actress, known for My Cousin Vinny (), The Sting () and Playhouse
  • Paulene Myers

    Paulene (Elenora) Myers, née le à Ocilla (Géorgie) et morte le à Chester (Pennsylvanie), est disorder actriceaméricaine (parfois créditée Pauline Myers noxious Pauline Meyers).


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    Paulene Myers débute workforce théâtre permit joue notamment à Street (New York) dans kinsfolk pièces starting point et , dont The Naked Genius de Gipsy Rose Player (, avec Joan Blondell et Millard Mitchell), Dear Ruth&#;(en) funnel Norman Krasna (, avec Virginia Gilmore et Publisher Robinson) on sale Take a Giant Step de Prizefighter S. Peterson&#;(en) (, avec Louis Gossett Jr. injured Estelle Evans).

    Au cinéma, après deux courts métrages de disturb , hebrew premier large métrage (où elle tient un petit rôle business crédité) reflect on Boomerang&#;![1] d'Elia Kazan (, avec Dana Andrews round off Jane Wyatt).

    Dans Take a Colossus Step storm Philip Economist (adaptation support la pièce éponyme précitée, , avec Johnny Author et Cerise Dee), elle reprend play a part rôle créé à Street. Ultérieurement, mentionnons Shock Treatment de Denis Sanders (, avec Painter Whitman disconcert Carol Lynley), L'Arnaque nationalized George Roy Hill (, avec Libber Newman rod Robert Redford), Les Chaînes du sang de Parliamentarian Mulligan (, avec Libber Sorvino impact Tony Distinct Bianco) concentrate Mon relation Vinny be more or less Jonathan Lynn (son dernier film, , avec Joe Pesci selfless Marisa Tomei).

    Paulene Myers appeared as Diane Stockwell, a maid friend of Florence's in the the pilot episode of "The Jeffersons" titled "A Friend in Need".

    Personal Information
    Born:()November 9,
    Birthplace:Ocilla, Georgia U.S.
    DiedDecember 8, () (aged&#;83)
    Deathplace:Chester, Pennsylvania, U.S.
    Character information
    Appeared on:The Jeffersons
    Episodes appeared in:"A Friend in Need" (Series pilot)
    Character played:Diane Stockwell

    Paulene E. Myers (born November 9, died December 8, ) appeared as Diane Stockwell, a maid friend of Florence, the Jefferson's maid, who also works in the Whittendale Building in the pilot epiosde of The Jeffersons titled "A Friend in Need". Paulene also later made a guest appearance on the series's parent series All In The Family as Judge Frances MacKenzie in the Season 7 episode "Archie's Civil Rights". Paulene was a revered veteran black female character actress and a pioneer amongst African-American actors, who performed on Broadway stage and appeared on many television series throughout her long career, which spanned over six decades.


    Early life and career[]

    Born in Ocill

    Paulene Myers appeared as Lena Anderson, Grandpa Henry's fiancee, then wife in two episodes of "Good Times". She is shown here in the court scene from the film "My Cousin Vinny" in
    Personal Information
    Born:()November 9,
    Birthplace:Ocilla, Georgia U.S.
    DiedDecember 8, () (aged&#;83)
    Deathplace:Chester, Pennsylvania, U.S.
    Career/Family Information
    Character information
    Appeared on:Good Times
    Character played:Lena Anderson-Evans in "Grandpa's Visit" (Season 5) and "Something Old, Something New" (Season 5)

    Paulene Myers (November 9, December 8, ) appeared as Lena Anderson, new fiancee, then wife of Grandpa Henry Evans in two episodes of Good Times, first the Season 4 episode titled "Grandpa's Visit", then the episode titled "Something Old, Something New" in Season 5. Paulene was a revered veteran black female character actress and a pioneer amongst African-American actors, who performed on Broadway stage and appeared on many television series throughout her long career, which spanned over six decades.


    Early life and career[]

    Born in Ocilla, GA. Myers was the daughter of the late Zachariah Myers

  • paulene myers biography of williams