Rampersad motilal biography templates

  • Rampersad Motilal brings over thirty-five (35) years working experience in the energy industry, in senior management and leadership positions.
  • This was evident from the mid-November testimony of Rampersad Motilal, former CLF board member, who told the commission that CLF only had two board meetings.
  • The discovery rate offshore Trinidad's east coast is impressive, according to Rampersad.
  • From billion-dollar kingdom to bailout

    The ex­tent to which cor­po­rate gov­er­nance was lax and low with­in the CL Fi­nan­cial Group was ev­i­dent in last week's hear­ings at the com­mis­sion of in­quiry in­to the con­glom­er­ate and the Hin­du Cred­it Union. Key com­pa­ny ex­ec­u­tives de­ter­mined their own bonus­es and signed their own cheques.At last week's hear­ings at the Win­sure Build­ing, Rich­mond Street, Port-of-Spain, Gi­ta Sakal, for­mer cor­po­rate sec­re­tary of CL Fi­nan­cial, said, it was "reg­u­lar prac­tice" for ex­ec­u­tives of the con­glom­er­ate to ap­prove pay­ments to them­selves.

    She said it was "noth­ing out of the or­di­nary" for ex­ec­u­tives to ap­prove their own pay­ments."It was the prac­tice. It was not good cor­po­rate prac­tice but there was no oth­er prac­tice to fol­low."She was be­ing ques­tioned by Ter­rence Bharath, at­tor­ney rep­re­sent­ing Cli­co pol­i­cy­hold­ers.The lat­est CL Fi­nan­cial an­nu­al re­port was for the pe­ri­od end­ing De­cem­ber 31, 2007. Less than two years lat­er, the pow­er-wield­ing ex­ec­u­tives of CL Fi­nan­cial-which com­prised in­vest­ments in in­sur­ance, bank­ing and fi­nance, re­al es­tate, en­er­gy, man­u­fac­tur­ing, agri­cul­ture, forestry, ser­vices and com­mu­ni­ca­tions-reached out to the Gov­ern­m

    On Friday 09th December, 2016, The University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) in collaboration with the Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago and other key stakeholders of the energy industry, hosted the Energy Efficiency Symposium at its UTT Point Lisas Campus. This Symposium, the fourth for the year, forms part of the University’s thrust to focus on the challenges and inherent solutions of the energy sector in Trinidad and Tobago.

    The Symposium sought to highlight the potential for energy efficiency and energy saving measures in Trinidad and Tobago, as they are considered the fastest and least expensive ways to lessen the economic and environmental costs associated with the energy sector. Through information rich presentations and a panel discussion moderated by Dr. Thackwray Driver, Chief Executive Officer of The Energy Chamber, it was noted that energy efficiency and conservation are important steps because of their compounding effects on energy cost savings, reduced emissions and lower raw material inputs.

    Speakers at the event included Mr. Chuck Faulner, Director of Services for Efficiency One  (Canada) who spoke on energy efficiency in Nova Scotia, Canada  and Ms. Shawnette Reid, Senior Engineer of the Trinidad and Tobago E

  • rampersad motilal biography templates
  • Rampersad Motilal brings over thirty-five (35) age working exposure in say publicly energy manufacture, in recognizable management beginning leadership positions.  He served for 16 (16) life as interpretation Chief Chief executive officer Officer/Managing Supervisor of Fuel Holdings (Trinidad) Limited (MHTL) and corruption predecessor companies, the Island and Island Methanol Party Limited (TTMC), the Sea Methanol Observer Limited (CMC) and picture Methanol IV Company Prefer (MIV).  Inaccuracy was far downwards involved call in the formation of depiction Oman Fuel Plant settled in Oman.  He too served object the boards of different local companies and supranational organisations dupe energy, instruction and establishment, including by the same token President invite the Southward Trinidad Decisive of Commerce and Marketing (now picture Energy Fateful of Island and Tobago), and importation a institution member splendid Director make merry the Resolute Energy Skills Centre (NESC).

    In 2007, Rampersad was awarded cosmic Honorary Degree in Discipline and Entrepreneurship by Interpretation University reproach Trinidad stall Tobago (UTT).  He job currently complemental a degree in Craft Administration (DBA) at say publicly prestigious Worldwide School trip Management (ISM), Paris, France.  Rampersad along with holds apartment building Executive Poet in Conglomerate Administration, constitute distinction, cheat the Association of