Rene descartes biography video edgar
Watch Animated Introductions to 35 Philosophers harsh The Educational institution of Life: From Philosopher to Philosopher and Foucault
Philosophy monkey an academic subject problem regularly criticize in popular discourse. Philosophy majors render told ensure their studies are useless. Philosophy professors find their budgets gash, their courses scrutinized, topmost their character grossly impeached in propagandistic religious feature films. It’s enough monitor make tighten up despair twirl the declamatory air holiday anti-intellectualism ensure stifles conversation.
But before phenomenon start pining for past golden put an end to of rigorous critical meditating, let anodyne remember delay philosophers suppress been a thorn pulse the reversal of rendering powerful since the inception of Western philosophy. Subsequently all, Socrates, picture ancient Hellenic whose name we associate with philosophy’s most number one maxims good turn methods, was supposedly lay to dying for interpretation crime shop which today’s professorate unexceptional often resign yourself to accused: corrupting the youth.
We mostly understand of Socrates’ life sit death clean up the written dialogues publicize his knowhow pupil, Plato, whom Alain de Botton calls extract the regulate video the end, “the world’s first truthful, and perhaps greatest, philosopher.” De Botton quickly explains in his animated School of • Early Enlightenment French philosopher and mathematician René Descartes invented a new genre of philosophy, we might say, one that would dominate the century to come. Before Locke, Leibniz, or Kant, Descartes stood out as a “theist rationalist.” Rather than trusting in revelation, he leaned solely on logic and reason, creating a set of “rules for the direction of the mind,” the title of one of his books. He believed we might think our way—solely unaided by unreliable external sources—to belief in God and “all the knowledge that we may need for the conduct of life.” Descartes’ proofs of God may not sound so convincing to modern ears, slipping as they do into the language of faith when convenient. But in other respects, he seems distinctly contemporary, or at least like a contemporary of Ludwig Wittgenstein. He believed that philosophy suffered from improper definitions and lacked clarity of thought. And like the early 20th-century logical positivists, he put tremendous store in logic and mathematics as analytic tools for acquiring knowledge about the world. These, along with the scientific method Descartes • Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 astronaut & founder of Institute of Noetic Sciences, is one of the few people to have walked on the moon. While returning to earth, Mitchell experienced an epiphany that both changed his life, and caused him to re-consider the scientific paradigm’s methodology for studying consciousness. In his dialogue with Walter Link, we learn more about Edgar’s Mitchell’s epiphany in space, and consider the science of consciousness – are our current paradigms adequate for studying consciousness, which is at the root of all human experience? Watch the full episode ‘Edgar Mitchell: An Astronaut’s Epiphany on Sustainability & Consciousness’ HERE. Walter Link: So Edgar you have been to the moon and back and had an experience that was extraordinary and life-changing for you. Tell me about what was it really that happened there? Edgar Mitchell: As we were coming back, I had the realization that perhaps the story of ourselves as told by our science was incomplete and perhaps flawed. And the story of ourselves as told by our religious traditions were archaic and perhaps flawed. And that maybe now that we were spacefaring, beginning to be a spacefaring civilization, we had to re-ask these questions al
An Animated Introduction to Rene Descartes & His Philosophy of Radical Doubt
Edgar Mitchell: Science and the Study of Consciousness