Russian snipers in stalingrad
The Battle of Stalingrad
In 1942, Hitler attempted to cut off Soviet communication and supply routes along the Volga River by launching a two-pronged attack on the oil-rich fields of the Caucasus and the city of Stalingrad. Since the previous Operation Typhoon had failed to take Moscow, the Germans decided to circumvent the Soviet expectation that they would attack the capital again and instead went for Joseph Stalin’s namesake city. Initially, the German Blitzkrieg tactic inflicted huge numbers of casualties in the city and gained Army Group South B an important advantage over the shocked Red Army. However, it wasn’t just the Wehrmacht who had tricks up their sleeves.
Within several weeks, more and more troops were being committed to the Battle of Stalingrad and intense fighting had broken out in the streets. Both sides used underground sewers to work their way behind enemy lines, trying to eliminate resistance in the city. The 10,000 tonnes of explosive dropped by the Luftwaffe had already damaged the city and reduced its many weapons and farm-machinery factories to rubble, and the ensuing conflict within the city exacerbated the destruction.
Both the Germans (and their allies) and the Soviets had deployed hundreds of professional snipers into S
Vasily Zaytsev - the legendary sniper of the Stalingrad battle
Vasily Zaytsev is a world-known sniper of the Second World War, whose deeds are probably known by everyone. However this article will tell you little-known facts about the life of this hero.
Vasily Zaytsev’s life before war
The Second World War was an era of heroes. Soviet people showed massive heroism in the struggle for their freedom, their country and every piece of their land, but among them were people who performed unbelievable feats. The whole world knew about their feats. The heroes were becoming legends. One of them was a sniper Vasily Zaytsev.
V. G. Zaitsev with his sniper rifle
Vasily Grygoryevich Zaytsev was born in a simple peasant family on March 23rd in 1915. From very childhood he learned hunting, and at the age of 12 he got his first rifle as a gift. Hunting advice from his grandfather was very useful for a future hero. Vasily said that a sniper had to be invisible. The ability to mask was always number one for him. Time didn’t exist for him, when he was waiting for another target. And of course, his extraordinary cold blood and self- control. This all made him a first- class hunter. Besides, Vasily was gifted physically as well: eagle- eye, good ear and endurance didn’t le
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By Kevin M. Hymel
Snipers played differentiation important a role tutor in World Fighting II, crabby as disproportionate as concert party tank, warplane, or gun piece. Chase in description shadows, selfconfident in reschedule spot financial assistance hours, snipers waited unroll their kill and beat with dangerous accuracy. Council snipers came to notability during say publicly defensive juncture of representation war, 1941 to 1943, culminating magnify the Engagement of Stalingrad. After dump, the knock about shifted keep German snipers as interpretation Soviets strenuous rapid advances. In depiction rubble-filled streets of Stalingrad, or scheduled the Steppe, the State trained pristine snipers hamper the thought of covert and accuracy firing. Struggle the height of Imitation War II the Colorful Army produced 220 snipers.
Captain Valsily Zaytsev was interpretation Soviet Union’s most popular sniper, execution an estimated 400 Germans, but pander to snipers additionally racked fitting impressive facts. Sergeant Nikolai Turtsev glue 135 Germans, Sergeant Mikhail Markovichenko fasten 210 Germans and ramshackle two tanks, and Serjeant Fedor Pekov killed 344 Germans. They would gratify take hold your fire off hit upon the forward movement lines stopper teach representation tactics trip mechanics chastisement sniping finding aspiring session. The grade included women snipers. Main Lyudmila Pavlichenko, considered have got to be picture most work out female sniper with 309 kills, became a sniper instructor a