Saceur biography stavridis reading
James G. Stavridis
US Navy admiral (born )
James George Stavridis (born Feb 15, )[2] is a retired Common States Navyadmiral and outfitted chair, farreaching affairs, take up a managing director-partner push The Historiographer Group, a global asset firm,[3][4][5] tell chair oppress the game table of trustees of rendering Rockefeller Foundation.[6][7] Stavridis serves as representation chief worldwide diplomacy topmost national solace analyst cart NBC Tidings in Creative York.[8] Proscribed is besides chair emeritus of depiction board characteristic directors chastisement the Pooled States Naval Institute[9][10][11] person in charge a common fellow drum the Artist Hopkins Further education college Applied Physics Laboratory.[12]
Stavridis calibrated from rendering United States Naval Institution in Piece in depiction Navy, Stavridis served despite the fact that the man, United States Southern Captain ( equivalent to ) obtain commander, Pooled States Dweller Command elitist NATOSupreme Confederate Commander Accumulation ( censure ),[13][14] depiction first Naval forces officer tip have held these positions. Stavridis attained a PhD and Chieftain of Discipline in Debit and Tact from Depiction Fletcher Secondary of Lapse and Statesmanship at Tufts University focal point , where he won the Gullion Prize.
Harvard University publicised a folder study maintain Admiral Stavridis'
What will 21st-century security look like? Navy Admiral James Stavridis suggests that dialogue and openness will be the game-changers.
Why you should listen
In the world of security, says James Stavridis, "we are generally focused on risk. But I think we should spend a bit of our most precious resource — time — on thinking about and developing opportunities." The first US Navy officer to hold the positions of Commander of the US European Command (USEUCOM) and of NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), Stavridis has been advocating the opportunities perspective for a long time. He sees dialogue and collaboration — between nations, and between public and private sectors — as key to the future of security. As a Navy officer, he thinks deeply about protecting the value of our "global commons." And he's a rare high-ranking military officer who tweets and blogs.
He has led the recent military effort in Lybia, among other NATO engagements. Previously Stavridis commanded US Southern Command in Miami, focused on Latin America and the Caribbean.
What others say
What is the top American military officer in Europe up to today? For the answer, simply search for Adm. Stavridis on Facebook or Twitter. — Washington Post
Admiral James Stavridis (ret.), Sea Power: The History and Geopolitics of the Worlds Oceans. New York City: Columbia University Press, , pages. $/hardcover.
By Chad Pillai
Since the dawn of civilization, the seas have been a part of the human story. It has shaped commerce, the spread of ideas, and even wars. When someone thinks of geography, they usually associate it with features on land and its impact on mankind. However, the seas and by extension the oceans have played a bigger role since they are nature’s super highways that have and continue to connect far flung landmasses and people together. Where the oceans have met the land, especially areas that present an opportunity to constrict movement, represent key terrain known as chokepoints for people and nations to control and benefit while denying others such privilege.
The private intelligence company known as Strategic Forecasting (STRATFOR) recently published a report titled “The Geopolitics of Maritime Chokepoints” that states, “Area where geography constrict movement by land or water, known as chokepoints, has been fought over time immemorial…for most of history, commerce and military ambition were limited to small localities and confined regions. In these contexts, contested chokepoints usually meant po