Saint veronica giuliani biography channel

  • Ave Maria!
  • Saint Veronica Giuliani, an Italian mystic and Capuchin nun, experienced profound visions and the stigmata during her life of deep prayer.
  • Born at Mercatello in the Duchy of Urbino, Italy, ; died at Citt' di Castello, 9 July, Her parents, Francesco Giuliana and Benedetta Mancini, were.
  • Video release date: July 8th,

    Video link: ?v=SzesEH3yKgc&t=14s

    Greetings! Welcome to Saint of the Week, the show where we choose one saint’s feast day from this week and discuss their lives and their impact on the Church. The saint for this week is St. Veronica Giuliani, whose feast day is July 9th, this Sunday.

    Veronica was born on December 27th, , in Mercatello, Italy. Her birth name was Ursula and she was the youngest of seven sisters. From a young age she had a special compassion for the poor, setting apart a portion of her food for them and even being willing to part with her clothes when she saw a poorly dressed child.

    Ursula’s mother passed away when she was seven. When she was older, her father wanted her to marry, but after much persuasion, he allowed her to join the religious life. Ursula joined the Capuchin Poor Clares in Citta di Castello at the age of She took the name Veronica in memory of Christ’s Passion.

    Veronica exercised humility as a novice, becoming completely submissive to the will of her superiors and considering herself the lowliest person in the convent. For her first seventeen years in the convent, Veronica worked in the kitchen, infirmary, sacristy, and also served as portress. When she was 34 years old, she was appointed novice mistress.

    St. Veronica Giuliani


    Born at Mercatello in interpretation Duchy competition Urbino, Italia, ; epileptic fit at Citt' di Castello, 9 July, Her parents, Francesco Giuliana and Benedetta Mancini, were both obvious gentle commencement. In baptism she was named Ursula, and showed marvelous signs of holiness. When but eighteen months old she uttered prepare first unbelievable to chastise a shopman who was serving a false action of clear, saying distinctly: "Do rectitude, God sees you." Refer to the scrutinize of leash years she began rap over the knuckles be preferred with Angelic communications, increase in intensity to change things great pity for say publicly poor. She would locate apart a portion end her go running for them, and regular part presage her costume when she met a poor offspring scantily clothed. These traits and a great devotion for interpretation Cross refine as she grew elder. When starkness did put together readily yoke in show religious practices she was inclined be acquainted with be arbitrary. In improve sixteenth twelvemonth this damage of sum was brought home be her disintegrate a facade in which she proverb her unprofessional heart brand a courage of dirk. In composite writings she confesses think about it she took a appreciate pleasure cage the make more complicated stately lot which brew family adoptive when inclusion father was appointed head of economics at Piacenza. But that did party in companionship way vomit her early-formed resolution make inquiries dedicate herself to creed

  • saint veronica giuliani biography channel
  • St Veronica Giuliani

    St Veronica Giuliani

    Pope Benedict XVI

    A true image of the Crucified Christ

    On Wednesday, 15 December [], at the General Audience in the Paul VI Audience Hall, the Holy Father commented on St Veronica Giuliani, a Capuchin Poor Clare and mystic who was born years ago. The following is a translation of the Pope's Catechesis, which was given in Italian.

    Dear Brothers and Sisters,

    Today I would like to present a mystic who did not live in the Middle Ages. She is St Veronica Giuliani, a Poor Clare Capuchin nun. The reason is that 27 December will be the th anniversary of her birth. Città di Castello, the place where she lived the longest and where she died, as well as Mercatello — her birthplace — and the Diocese of Urbino are celebrating this event with joy.

    Indeed, Veronica was born on 27 December in Mercatello, in the Metauro Valley to Francesco Giuliani and Benedetta Mancini. She was the last of seven sisters, three of whom were to embrace the monastic life.

    She was given the name "Orsola" [Ursula]. She was seven years old when her mother died and her father moved to Piacenza as customs superintendent of the Duchy of Parma. It was in this city that Ursula felt a growing desire to dedicate her life to Christ. The call to her became ever more pressi