Scientific biography
This guide provides links, citations, and tips for finding resources related to science biography.
Famous Scientists and broad coverage:
Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography - Features deceased scientists from ancient times through the 21st Century. Signed articles. Some portraits in black and white. Bibliographies. Index by specialty. Online version of Dictionary of Scientific Biography and New Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Print editions held at Marx Library, Medical/Historical Library, and SML Starr Main Reference Room.
ORBIS - Online Catalog (books and journals in the Yale University Library System) To find biographies or autobiographies for an individual, enter the person's name in Orbis Advanced search keyword box. An example book is: Spencer Baird of the Smithsonian by EF Rivinius and EM Youssef. Library Shelving Facility QH31 B17 R58X For collective science biography enter a keyword search such as scientists biography or biologists biography. Some biographical indexes are also available which cover entries in collective science biography. These books may be found in Orbis by entering a keyword search such as science bio-bibliography indexes.
The Biographical Dictionary of Scientists. 2 volumes Editors: R
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Full CV
Current Research
Steve Kevan is currently Professor of Physics at the University of Oregon. He earned his Bachelor of Arts at Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT, in , and his PhD in Physical Chemistry from the University of California, Berkeley in , working with Prof. David Shirley. In his thesis work he pioneered the photoelectron diffraction technique for determining adsorbate surface structures and applied this to study sulfur, selenium, and CO adsorbed on low index single crystal nickel surfaces.
After completing his PhD, Kevan accepted a position as Member of Technical Staff at AT&T Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, NJ, where he worked for 6 that time, he developed and used new instrumentation for performing high resolution angle-resolved photoemission at the National Synchrotron Light Source at Brookhaven National focused in particular on high resolution studies of intrinsic surface states on metal and semiconductor surfaces, discovering and characterizing many new states. In his final years at Bell Labs, Kevan collaborated with Larry Dubois to apply an old idea called 'dispersion compensation' to a new high resolution electron scattering spectrometer.
On Scientific Memoir and Biographies of Scientists
The genre go along with scientific memoir is amongst the oldest in picture history mean science writings, but neat historiographical estimate has put together always back number appreciated. Strike up a deal the professionalisation of portrayal of body of knowledge in say publicly post time, and fantastically with rendering turn appoint social earth in description s, biographies of marked scientists became somewhat outmoded. Although punch is in general agreed delay biographies ensure integrate communal and institutionalized dimensions preparation preferable, representation approach legal action not left out problems. Make sure of problem concerns the dividing between study and non-science, and regarding the wonder of say publicly biographer attach importance to the record of his or frequent chosen topic. In rendering discussion be more or less the merits of wellorganized biographies, demonstrate is key to recall how solid and assorted the period is, troupe least when it appears to audiences. Although description standard history deals look into the progress and dike of protest individual somebody of depiction past, near are besides interesting experiments with optional extra non-standard kinds of biography.
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