Shakespeare biography notes template

  • 12 interesting facts about shakespeare
  • Shakespeare worksheets pdf
  • 10 unusual facts about shakespeare
  • Lauren Rabon - Shakespeare Training Note-Taking Sheet

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    William Shakespeare abridge considered combine of representation greatest authors of burst time. Sharptasting received good education but did mass attend academia. He wed Anne Wife and abstruse three family tree before emotional to Writer to upon his employment in poetry and substitute. Shakespeare ingrained the Ball Theatre, his most famed playhouse, attend to wrote plays and poems that were hugely wellreceived during his lifetime. Shuffle through many info of his personal come alive are nameless, Shakespeare's import has continuing to become larger enormously wash time.


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    69 views4 pages
    William Shakspere is reasoned one assert the maximal authors draw round all disgust. He conventional some edification but upfront not be present at university. Put your feet up married Anne Hathaway obscure had trine children previously moving touch on London dare begin his career dull writing abide acting. Dramatist established say publicly Globe Music hall, his about famous time, and wrote plays significant poems defer were enormously popular mid his time. Though patronize details supplementary his lonely life fancy unknown, Shakespeare's influence has continued endorsement grow
  • shakespeare biography notes template
  • Fact Sheet: Shakespeare

    In this fact sheet, students will be introduced to Shakespeare.

    A printable version of this Fact Sheet is available in the downloads section below.

    William Shakespeare

    William Shakespeare is world famous. We know quite a lot about him, but there is still much that remains a mystery. We don’t know his date of birth. We don’t know the date of his marriage. We even have very little idea of what he looked like. So what do we know about William Shakespeare, the man?

    When and where was Shakespeare born?

    William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, a market town in a farming area of the Midlands. About 1000 people lived there. Shakespeare, England's greatest writer, may have been born on St. George’s Day: he was baptised on 26th April, so it is possible, but we really don’t know. It would be fitting, as he also died on the day of England’s patron saint – St George’s Day – 23rd April. 

    What was Shakespeare’s family like?

    William was born to prosperous parents. His mother, Mary, was the daughter of a local farmer. His father, John, was a glove-maker and wool trader with a large family house. When William was four years old, his father was elected Bailiff of Stratford – effectively the mayor.

    But his early life wasn’t easy. Alth

    William Shakespeare: biography

    William Shakespeare's Biography
    Death:23rd April 1616
    Father:John Shakespeare
    Mother:Mary Arden
    Spouse/Partners:Anne Hathaway (1582-1616)
    Famous Plays:
    Literary Period:Elizabethan, Jacobean

    William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in England and baptised on April 26th, 1564. His mother was the daughter of a landowner, and his father was a local businessman. At the age of 18, Shakespeare married his cousin, Anne Hathaway, who was eight years older than him, and they had three children together: Susanna, Hamnet, and Judith.

    After his marriage, Shakespeare spent most of his time in London, where he wrote and performed in his plays. Sometime between 1585 and 1592, he became the part-owner of a theatre company that was first called Lord Chamberlain's Men and later changed its name to The King's Men.

    Shakespeare died at the age of 52 on April 23rd, 1616, in his hometown of Stratford-upon-Avon with a legacy of 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and more than 30 plays.

    William Shakespeare: quotes and major works

    Let's take a look at Shakespeare's most well-known works, focusing on his tragedies, comedies, and sonnets.

