Shaul mizrahi biography books

  • Shaul Mizrahi was born on June 12, in Holon, Israel.
  • The film is based on the most popular series of pocket books, ever written in Israel (over a million copies sold).
  • Jurist, mystic, poet, theologian, communal leader, founder of the modern Chief Rabbinate and still the defining thinker of Religious Zionism, he is.
  • Towards the Mystic Experience defer to Modernity

    The Work be next to Brief
    Mapping Rav Kook                                                                               
    Many Editorial Hands                                                                             
    Academic Approaches            &n

  • shaul mizrahi biography books
  • 54 Essential Books in Jewish Studies

    21 November |Posted in Books


    The challenge of defining essential books in Jewish studies is as difficult as it is needed. Difficult, because there is so much important work out there and how do you choose what to include? Needed, because it takes experience to sift through the available books and interested readers rightfully want to know where to look. Below is my take.

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    Before we dive in, some notes on my selection process. First, this list deals with academic Jewish studies, meaning scholarly writing about Jews and Judaism (secondary literature) but not works of Jews and Judaism (primary sources). Stay tuned for a list of essential readings in Jewish thought.

    Second, I’ve selected only books, not articles, for inclusion; and I’ve excluded books that are prohibitively expensive or difficult to find. Books may be either monographs (written by one person) or edited volumes (written by multiple contributors). It’s important to note that a great deal of the work in Jewish studies gets done in journal articles, but I’ve chosen to stick to books because they’re generally more accessible. I’ve selected works available in English as my main suggestion; however, mindful of Israel as a

    In , when I first met Yitzhak Rabin, he was the defense minister in Israel’s national unity government and I was a member of President Reagan’s National Security Council staff. In the ensuing years, during the Bush and Clinton administrations, I met and talked to him often, especially when I held senior positions, including that of the lead American negotiator on the Arab–Israeli peace process. Whenever I read another book about him, I naturally do so with a curiosity informed by my own set of intense experiences with the man who was one of Israel’s greatest leaders.

    I have to admit that in approaching a new biography of Rabin, I did not expect to gain a great deal of new insight into the man and the country he served. And yet, much to my surprise, I did so in reading Itamar Rabinovich’s Yitzhak Rabin: Soldier, Leader, Statesman. Rabinovich is a distinguished historian of the Middle East, but he, too, brings his personal history with Rabin to the biographical task. In , Rabin appointed him to be Israel’s ambassador to Washington, during which time he also served as Rabin’s negotiator with the Syrians. His book tells a very revealing story that ties the arc of Rabin’s life to the course of Israel’s history from the pre-State period to the s.

    In the chapter Rabinovich de