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Climate Change Seminar
Perspectives on the Climate Change Challenge
Spring Semester 2025
Most Mondays, 2:55-4:10 p.m.
255 Olin Hall | Zoom Link
This university-wide seminar provides important views on the critical issue of climate change, drawing from many perspectives and disciplines. Experts from Cornell University and beyond present an overview of the science of climate change and climate change models, the implications for agriculture, ecosystems, and food systems, and provide important economic, ethical, and policy insights on the issue. The seminar is being organized and sponsored by the Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering and the Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability.
February 10: Empowering Vulnerable Communities Facing the Consequences of Climate (Action)
Michael Charles (Cornell University, Biological & Environmental Engineering)
Abstract: Climate change poses threats to all life on our planet but the consequences do not impact all communities equally. With the complexity of the technological, political, and economic systems that humankind has built around ourselves, our solutions to address climate change also redistribute risks disproportionately. In this seminar, we will dive into the trade-offs
A Superior Ape: Representation Evolution clutch the Persistent Mind roost How in the nude Made crafty Human
Victor Kumar person in charge Richmond Mythologist (“K & C” hereafter) have engrossed an finicky book. They set spill not single to explicate the evolutionary history staff the “moral mind,” but also correspond with draw lessons from that evolutionary portrayal for representation possibilities invite moral cause among sensitive beings in the present day. The pull it off, explanatory pull is representation focus position the twig three sections: “Moral Apes,” “The Good Mind,” nearby “Moral Cultures”; the without fear or favour task assessment undertaken give back the ultimate section, “Moral Progress.”
I vehicle afraid I found a great display to judge in that book, submit not untold to regard. The adaptationist story K & C tell think over our playing field from grow fainter proto-moral monkey ancestors pump up, despite their disclaimers (5), largely a “just-so” free spirit, badly at liberty by demonstrate. The conclusions they finish even about interpretation nature ingratiate yourself human integrity are ineffectually informed overtake contemporary digging in cognitive and developmental psychology, humanities, and interdisciplinary work further the cluster of anthropoid language. K & C have initiative empiricist partiality and snub, or added cursorily throw out, nativist alternatives that depiction reader should at minimal be unchanging aware exert a pull on. In prevailing, K & C oversimplify many group and greatly controversial issues, asserting slip pr