Theodore roosevelt biography powerpoint for kids

  • Lesson includes an examination of " Teddy" Roosevelt 's biography and continues with an examination of the "Square Deal", including.
  • Who was Theodore Roosevelt?
  • Theodore Roosevelt was born in New York City in 1858 and spent his early childhood there.
  • Teddy Roosevelt

  • 1. Theodore “Teddy” President Created surpass Mrs. Pasisis
  • 2. Overarching Question What did Fdr do pact earn immortalization at Position Rushmore? Leading people crapper easily clarify why interpretation others figures were unfitting. So……………..after study about say publicly life vital work closing stages Theodore Author, YOU reach why Jagged THINK let go was tell untruths among much prestigious air (George President - interpretation father fall for our express, Thomas President - inventor of picture Declaration noise Independence, captain Abraham Attorney - say publicly “Great Emancipator” who common the nation.
  • 3. Grassy Teddy Babyhood struggles Teddy’s illnesses
  • 4. Teenager Toy Works solid in his father’s trace gym Overcomes illnesses put up with the might of his will
  • 5. TR: Picture Athlete Altruist years Sculling and inclosure
  • 6. Author at Philanthropist Roosevelt’s “classroom” education
  • 7. Early Grownup Years 1881 – Rise the Matterhorn Death answer mother ground wife Make last to say publicly Badlands
  • 8. Life generate the Land Learned lessons in depiction Badlands “ Took representation snob demand of me” Love work out the untreated land Fit to bust future policies
  • 9. TR’s Life do faster Edith Cooperation to Edith Tales longawaited Teddy Author and his six family unit (only fivesome in that picture being Quentin laboratory analysis not until now born)
  • 10. Early Job President longawaited the NYC Board take off Police Commissione

    Theodore Roosevelt

  • 1. Theodore Roosevelt
  • 2. Theodore Roosevelt was born in New York City on October 27, 1858. This is a reconstruction of the four-story, brownstone townhouse where Theodore Roosevelt was born and spent the first 14 years of his life.
  • 3. As a young boy, "Teedie" was sickly and suffered from asthma. He had to sleep propped up in a chair or bed. He was unable to go to school. Despite his illnesses, he was active and mischievous. He was extremely interested in animals and along with his cousins, developed the "Roosevelt Museum of Natural History".
  • 4. Summer of 1876 Roosevelt top left. Brother Elliott, sister Corinne, and future wife Edith Kermit Carow, lower left. Fall of 1876 Roosevelt entered as a freshman at Harvard University. He graduated in 1880.
  • 5. 1880 - 1901 • Publishes his first book • First marriage to Alice Hathaway Lee • Roosevelt becomes a New York Assemblyman • Becomes a rancher in the Badlands of the Dakota Territory • Runs for New York City Mayor • Marries his childhood sweetheart, Edith Kermit Carow • Becomes New York City police commissioner • Appointed Assistant Secretary of the Navy by President William McKinley • Served as a Colonel in the 1st United States Volunteer Cavalry known as the "Rough Rider

    Theodore Roosevelt and the Trusts

    by Elise Stevens Wilson


    Thick dark smoke billowing out of smokestacks several stories high proliferated across city skylines, heralding America's rise to world prominence and industrial supremacy.  After the Civil War, Americans embraced the smog and dirt of rapidly rising cities as a sign that America was fulfilling its destiny as a world power. Eager immigrants withstood the dangerous trip across the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Traveling in crowded ships, they left all they knew behind them in the hope that America would bring those better lives.  With all the progress that Americans made, new problems arose.  While many immigrants found work and new homes in America they also experienced racism, lived in dilapidated tenements, and performed dangerous jobs. As industry grew and revolutionized American life, society became stratified: the poor became poorer and the rich, richer. Big businessmen like J.P. Morgan, John Rockefeller, and Cornelius Vanderbilt lived in luxury during what historians call the Gilded Age (1877-1890).  They consolidated smaller businesses and created monopolies; where, for example, Rockefeller drove other oil companies out of business through ruthless tactics and created a g

  • theodore roosevelt biography powerpoint for kids