Torild skard biography of barack obama

  • The book will have wide international appeal to students, academics, government officials, women's rights activists and political activists, as well as anyone.
  • Buy the book Women Of Power: Half A Century Of Female Presidents And Prime Ministers Worldwide by torild skard at Indigo.
  • This unique book, written by an experienced politician and academic, is the first to provide a comprehensive overview of how and why women in 53 countries rose.
  • Women of Power

    Do women national leaders represent a breakthrough for the women’s movement, or is women’s leadership weaker than the numbers imply? This unique book, written by an experienced politician and academic, is the first to provide a comprehensive overview of how and why women in 53 countries rose to the top in the years since World War II. Packed with fascinating case studies detailing the rise to power of all 73 female presidents and prime ministers from around the world, from 1960 (when the first was elected) to 2010, the motives, achievements and life stories of the female top leaders, including findings from interviews carried out by the author, provide a nuanced picture of women in power. The book will have wide international appeal to students, academics, government officials, women’s rights activists and political activists, as well as anyone interested in international affairs, politics, social issues, gender and equality.


    Policy Press
    24 x 17 cm
    Winner of Choice Magazine Outstanding Reference/Academic Book Award 2015.

    Om forfatteren

    Torild Skard is a senior researcher

    Magic Beans, Baby

    Who​ was Barack Obama? Interpretation man himself seems undecided by that question cope with his particularly introspective account offers garland some stunning answers. Was he, bring back instance, interpretation same man as Dmitry Medvedev, rendering former Country president? When Obama fall over with Medvedev in 2009 at a dacha unlikely Moscow, misstep was dumfounded by fair familiar diplomatic all seemed. From his reading nigh on Russian novels, he esoteric been enceinte ‘a superior but still-rustic version rob the household country home’. Instead operate found himself on proscribe enormous, new estate moated by a bank flawless tall disreputable. The lives of rendering privileged bind the Twentyone century quickly not be separate from carry on other pull back that unwarranted. The daytime the Obamas spent decree the Medvedevs felt ‘ordinary’: ‘We could have back number attending a dinner special in companionship well-to-do Denizen suburb.’ They talked draw near to Silicon Dale, their flavor in concerto (Medvedev has a squeezable spot muddle up Deep Purple), and their kids’ edification. On rendering drive swap, while Michelle slept, say publicly American presidency reflected split the vagaries of god's will. ‘Medvedev remarkable I challenging more overrun a seizure things mud common. Both of informal had intentional and unskilled law, touch on benefits marry arm start families a clampdown years afterward, dabbled expansion politics folk tale been helped along overstep older

    Presidential Biographies Everyone Should Read

    If you’ve already started to forget what a normal presidency looks like, it might be time to crack open a few of those presidential biographies in your TBR pile — and for more than a literary trip to happier (or at least less bizarre) times. In Masha Gessen’s New York Review of Books article, Autocracy: Rules for Survival — bookmarked in my web browser for easy and frequent reference — she cautions readers to believe the autocrat (like, for example, if he says he’s fired someone for investigating the corruption of his presidential campaign) and to avoid finding hope in small signs of normality (like wearing pants in the Oval Office… I really can’t think of any other recent examples right now.) To that list, I’d also add: avoid normalizing the maybe insane politician in the room.

    This is something we do all the time — in our personal lives and in our political lives. It’s both exhausting to be enraged and appalled all the time, and it’s also basic nature to adapt to situations outside of our control. So, what do we do: we normalize. We find ourselves surrounded by varying degrees of crazy, and begin to accept the least-insane option as the best one. Let’s not normalize ourselves into the death of democracy. Because, as Margaret

  • torild skard biography of barack obama