Bernd broaderup biography of christopher

  • He is contentedly pursuing this inter est, when, much to his surprise and chagrin, he falls in love with a movie-theater attendant named Bernd (Bernd Broaderup).
  • A harsh but deeply sympathetic sociological essay film about gay life in Berlin in a time of secrecy and oppression, with no diegetic sound and constant.
  • This is a list of the most notable films produced in Cinema of Germany in the 1980s.
  • More information

    Italian Due Fogli | 39 X 55 inch
    Very Good - Very Fine (Folded)
    Comedy, Drama, Romance
    Frank Ripploh
    Bernd Broaderup, Frank Ripploh, Orpha Termin

    List of Germanic films duplicate the 1980s

    TitleDirectorCastGenreNotes Ach shelter lieber HarryJean GiraultDieter Hallervorden, Iris BerbenComedyAfter Midnight [de]Wolf GremmDésirée Nosbusch, Nicole Heesters, Hermann Lause, Marion KrachtDramaAngels range IronThomas BraschHilmar Thate, Katharina ThalbachCrime dramaEntered into representation 1981 Port Film FestivalDer AufsteigerBernd Fischerauer [de]Reiner Schöne, Alexandra Bogojevic, Werner Asam, Günter StrackDramaAus warm up FranzosenzeitDagmar Damek [de]Leon Niemczyk, Gojko Mitić, Bad Lubosch, Thespian Hellberg, Shaft Reusse, Gerry WolffDramaWest German-East German co-production Die BaroninLutz BüscherMarianne Hoppe, Iris BerbenBiographya.k.a.Elisabeth von ArdenneBerlin Tunnel 21Richard MichaelsRichard Poet, Horst Buchholz, José FerrerDramaAmerican-West German co-production Birgitt Haas Must Remedy KilledLaurent Heynemann [fr]Philippe Noiret, Dungaree Rochefort, Lisa KreuzerThrillerFrench-West Teutonic co-production Blind Spot [de]Claudia von AlemannRebecca Pauly [de]DramaBloody MoonJesús FrancoOlivia PascalHorrorDas BootWolfgang Petersen

    3. Playing in the Dark

    Harper, Phillip Brian. "3. Playing in the Dark: Privacy, Public Sex, and the Erotics of the Cinema Venue". Private Affairs: Critical Ventures in the Culture of Social Relations, New York, USA: New York University Press, 1999, pp. 60-88.

    Harper, P. (1999). 3. Playing in the Dark: Privacy, Public Sex, and the Erotics of the Cinema Venue. In Private Affairs: Critical Ventures in the Culture of Social Relations (pp. 60-88). New York, USA: New York University Press.

    Harper, P. 1999. 3. Playing in the Dark: Privacy, Public Sex, and the Erotics of the Cinema Venue. Private Affairs: Critical Ventures in the Culture of Social Relations. New York, USA: New York University Press, pp. 60-88.

    Harper, Phillip Brian. "3. Playing in the Dark: Privacy, Public Sex, and the Erotics of the Cinema Venue" In Private Affairs: Critical Ventures in the Culture of Social Relations, 60-88. New York, USA: New York University Press, 1999.

    Harper P. 3. Playing in the Dark: Privacy, Public Sex, and the Erotics of the Cinema Venue. In: Private Affairs: Critical Ventur

  • bernd broaderup biography of christopher