Bruno masure david pujadas biography

  • Most beautiful france 24 presenters
  • French journalist female
  • France 24 female presenters
  • Full Cast & Crew

    Laurent Delahousse  Self - Hotelman episodes, Painter Pujadas  Self - Landlady episodes, Anne-Sophie Lapix  Self - Hotelkeeper / episodes, Julian Bugier  Self - Host episodes, Béatrice Schönberg  Self - Host99 episodes, Claude Sérillon  Self - Host / 93 episodes, Karine Baste-Régis  Self - Host68 episodes, Marie Drucker  Self - Host59 episodes, Etienne Leenhardt  Self - Host56 episodes, Nicolas Sarkozy  Self / 60 episodes, Thomas Sotto  Self - Host34 episodes, Bruno Masure  Self - Host31 episodes, François Hollande  Self / 31 episodes, François Fillon  Self / 29 episodes, Leïla Kaddour-Boudadi  Self - Host26 episodes, Ségolène Commune  Self29 episodes, François Bayrou  Self / 26 episodes, Julien Benedetto  Self - Host18 episodes, Laurent Fabius  Self / 16 episodes, Jean-Marie Grotto Pen  Self / 14 episodes, Fabrice Luchini  Self13 ep
  • bruno masure david pujadas biography
  • mediaclip

  • Publication date 01/11/ From


    On the set of Bruno MASURE, the former American Secretary of State Henry KISSINGER evokes French diplomacy and the peace process in the Middle East, including the Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin NETANYAHU whom he considers "not dangerous but inexperienced", considering that the only possible solution in the region is that of the two States with a cohabitation between Israel and the Palestinians, otherwise "there is no victory possible"

  • Publication date 11/04/ From


    On the set of the 20H of France 2, Jane Birkin presents her latest album, "Rendez-vous", where she sings in duet with various artists who composed specially for her songs, including Mickey 3D ("I’m called Jane"), Beth Gibbons, Alain Chamfort, Miossec, Brian Molko, Brian Ferry, Paulo Conte or Caetano Veloso.

  • Publication date 08/01/ From


    Interviewed by Daniel BILALIAN, François DALLE, honorary president of L'Oréal, evokes his long-standing friendship with François MITTERRAND, who disappeared that day.

  • Publication date 07/05/ From


    In , Prime Minister Jean Pierre Raffarin interviewed by David Pujadas defends the implementation of pension reform despite social

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