Faye abdellah biography and theory ppt
Faye Glenn Abdellah''s Theory - Ms. Ritika soni
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Biography:background of the theorist
Abdellah’s theory :nursing as comprehensive service.
Major assumptions,concepts and relationship
10 steps to identify clients problems
1)nursing skills
2)nursing problems nursing practice
Characteristics of theory
nursing process and abdellahs theory
Born-march 13,1919 ,in new York city.
Educational achievement:
In 1942,nursing diploma from fitkin memorials hospital,school of nursing new
jerky(now ann may school of nursing)
Bachelors d
Fay Abdellah Presentation
Fay Abdellah Presentation
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180 viewsFaye Abdellah was a pioneering nurse researcher who developed the "Twenty-One Nursing Problems" model. Her model was progressive for considering nursing diagnoses, which were not traditionally part of nurses' roles at the time. She witnessed the Hindenburg disaster, which inspired her to become a nurse and focus on improving nursing practice through research. Abdellah established frameworks for progressive patient care and quality standards that are still used today.
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0 ratings0% found this document useful (0 votes)
180 views18 pagesFaye Abdellah was a pioneering nurse researcher who developed the "Twenty-One Nursing Problems" model. Her model was progressive for considering nursing diagnoses, which were not traditionally part of nurses' roles at the time. She witnessed the Hindenburg disaster, which inspired her to become a nurse and focus on improving nursing practice through research. Abdellah established frameworks for progressive patient care and quality standards that are still used today.