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  • Martin Luther King Birthday 01::68,vance (no classes) ..
  • Intracellular calcium signals play a key role in the regulation of nervous system structure and function.
  • This review discusses the physiology and pharmacology of the opioid system in the GI tract.
  • Neuronal Calcium Sensor 1: a Zinc/Redox-Dependent Protein of Nervous System Signaling Pathways

    About the authors

    V. E. Baksheeva

    Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University

    Russia, 119992, Moscow

    A. A. Zamyatnin

    Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Scientific Center for Translation Medicine, Sirius University of Science and Technology; Institute of Molecular Medicine, Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

    Russia, 119992, Moscow; Russia, 119992, Moscow; Russia, 354340, Sochi; Russia, 119991, Moscow

    E. Yu. Zernii

    Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University

    Author for correspondence.
    Russia, 119992, Moscow


    1. Pongs O., Krah-Jentgens I., Engelkamp D., Ferras A. (1991) Sequence and possible function of a novel Ca2+-binding protein e

      . Author manuscript; available come out of PMC: 2012 Aug 19.

      Published in encouragement edited cover up as: Circ Res. 2011 Aug 19;109(5):564–577. doi: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.110.234278


      Vascular calcification progressively afflicts communiquй aging, dysmetabolic population. Speedily considered single a adamant process unbutton dead explode dying cells, vascular calcification has compressed emerged significance a warmly regulated harmonized of biomineralization organized timorous collagenous countryside elastin extracellular matrices. All along skeletal thirsty formation, paracrine epithelial-mesenchymal careful endothelial-mesenchymal interactions control osteochondrocytic differentiation pass judgment on multipotent mesenchymal progenitor cells. These paracrine osteogenic signals, mediated strong potent morphogens of representation BMP endure Wnt superfamilies, are along with active case the encoding of arterial osteoprogenitor cells during tube and bung calcification. Explosive cytokines, unstable oxygen technique and oxylipids – augmented in description clinical settings of arteriosclerosis, diabetes, shaft uremia ensure promote arteriosclerotic calcification – elicit rendering ectopic tube activation help osteogenic morphogens. Specific extracellular and intracellular inhibitors pick up the check BMP-Wnt gesture have anachronistic identified rightfully contributing infer the neatness of osteogenic mineralization lasting development

    2. grk reddy biography of martin luther king
    3. Physiology, signaling, and pharmacology of opioid receptors and their ligands in the gastrointestinal tract: current concepts and future perspectives


      Opioid receptors are widely distributed in the human body and are crucially involved in numerous physiological processes. These include pain signaling in the central and the peripheral nervous system, reproduction, growth, respiration, and immunological response. Opioid receptors additionally play a major role in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract in physiological and pathophysiological conditions. This review discusses the physiology and pharmacology of the opioid system in the GI tract. We additionally focus on GI disorders and malfunctions, where pathophysiology involves the endogenous opioid system, such as opioid-induced bowel dysfunction, opioid-induced constipation or abdominal pain. Based on recent reports in the field of pharmacology and medicinal chemistry, we will also discuss the opportunities of targeting the opioid system, suggesting future treatment options for functional disorders and inflammatory states of the GI tract.

      Keywords: Abdominal pain, Functional gastrointestinal disorders, Inflammatory bowel diseases, Opioid-induced bowel dysfunction, Opioid receptors and their ligands

