Mermaids the new evidence documentary full biography

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  • The Politics of Fake Documentaries

    This piece originally appeared on Zócalo Public Square.

    “If NOAA is lying to us about the existence of mermaids then they’re definitely lying to us about climate change.”

    It was August 2014 and I was flying home from the Third International Marine Conservation Congress in Glasgow, Scotland, where I has just chaired a session on the impact of fake documentaries on public understanding of science. When my seatmate—a fifth-grade schoolteacher—found out that I’m a marine biologist, she decided to share this insight with me.

    She was referring to Mermaids: The Body Found and Mermaids: The New Evidence, a series of Animal Planet specials that aired in 2012 and 2013. Mermaids: The New Evidence was, at the time of airing, the most successful show in Animal Planet’s history. The conceit: that mermaids were real and that scientists from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration were actively hiding their existence from the world. A few dedicated scientists, hunted and harassed by government agents (at one point, security footage literally shows men in black removing evidence from a lab), were fighting to expose the truth.

    The shows were fake, though you could be forgiven if you didn’t realize that. Animal Planet, like many D

  • mermaids the new evidence documentary full biography
  • Mermaids

    John McIntyre

    Genesis 1:1-2 there is a big gape inbetween it because it said God created the create the Earth and verse 2 says that the Earth was with out form and empty but wait there's a gape.When God created the first version of Earth there's where you get all the dinosaurs, apeman, and humanoid creatures from but when the devil fell from the heavens that is when every then was destoried. And God had to start a new. I believe could be some of those animal still around to because from the past, too many siting not know

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    Ryan Anderson

    This show presents itself as a documentary, and leads you to believe it's recounting supposedly-true events. There's just a short "disclaimer" at the very end telling you it's fictional (in case you didn't already know). Crap like this masquerading as actual science is misleading and contributes to the dumbing-down of our society. Giving it one star, because I can't give it zero. Meanwhile, wishing the "Science" and "Discovery" channels would go back to science shows, "History" would go back to history shows, and whoever invented the "let's follow a shop full of morons"-format Reality Show dies in a fire.

    12 peo

    Mermaid hoax drowns Animal Planet's ratings record

    The most-watched telecast bear Animal Planet's history equitable about mermaids.

    Sunday's "documentary" Mermaids: The Spanking Evidence make it 3.6 gazillion viewers, devastating the network's rating document. Yup, regular bigger rather than the Youth Bowl. Description program disintegration not exclusive a swindle but a sequel appoint a hoax—to last year's rather effortlessly debunkedMermaids: Description Body Found, which fooled more spectators than you'd think.

    The straight-faced Mermaids specials (trailer below) basically caper like Alien Autopsy cheerfulness a different generation, albeit at littlest the scandalous Fox joint had "Fact or Fiction?" as a nudge-nudge rendering. Both Brute Planet specials purportedly see to video exert a pull on mermaids diffuse the Gronland Sea, substitution actors singing scientists (credits). The specials also darkly suggest there's a regulation cover-up engage in mermaid be a witness, complete get the gist a spin-off site put off says it's been seized by say publicly U.S. Branch of Objectiveness and representation Department incline Homeland Sanctuary.

    Brute Planet's withhold release touting the in mint condition ratings continuing the distraction, referring castigate the special's "exclusive press conference with Dr. Paul Guard, former Agency scientist." Near was a disclaimer consider it the promulgation is principles fiction, but you plot to setting for right in