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[Community Issues]
I rarely cover community issues (shame on me) with the last one being the Paradigm Mall fiasco however this incident really made me very disgusted by the actions of an older woman belittling an undergraduate.
A video featuring a female master of ceremonies or moderator of a forum entitled “Seiringkah mahasiswa dan politik?” (Are graduates and politics aligned?) has been making its way virally across cyberspace and sparked a wave of anger and scorn over her rude and demeaning behaviour towards a student who was participating in the forum held at Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) in Kedah on 8 December
The second year law student, Miss Bavani, who was clearly prepared with notes and facts written on a notepad, had asked the panel why Malaysian students were not given free education unlike Argentina, Cuba and Brazil.
The MC/ moderator then cut her off by saying listen 11 times then moving her microphone away and went on to lecture the student on respect and animal problems.
Check out the video.
The incident sparked off several parodies and memes of the incident:
A creative video by Namewee.
A dance remix by Yuri Wong.
Song by Mr. Bia
At the beginning of the video, students were made to read a pledge which was o
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